A better plan for while we're away from fishies


So we spent this last weekend away from home. We separated the aggressive ones in the main tank with dividers & left the nanos in their normal state. Fish didn't eat for about 3 days. We came home to find our flame angel dead in the nano, which the PH rose to 8.8 while away. All the other fish/inverts were fine tho...? All other tests were fine.
In the main tank, our dogface puffer is missing his bottom teeth! I am guessing he tried to chomp on the live rock, just like he did when we first put the rock in there.
We're driving back down to my family on Thursday and are going to be away for a few days again...
Anyone have any advice on what to do differently this time around? Or just go with the flow ~
We don't know anyone here to come around and feed them or anything like that.=-/


if you are concerned about leaving things as they are, then i would contact you lfs and see if they would be willing to board your fish, or if they know a reputable aquarium service that would look in on things while you are away.