A blind Volitan Lion Fish???


New Member
I have a 6 month old lion that's about 6" long and has been doing very well. He has always eaten very well, from krill to guppies and minnows. About 6 days ago he stopped eating. He now bumps into everything in the tank. Last night I used a feeding prong and he gobbled up a krill. This morning he ate 4 more. I've put minnows in the tank that swim right in front of him and he doesn't even flinch. Can he be blind??? The water tests fine in all aspects and my 2 tangs and tomato clown are doing fine in the 75 gallon tank.


are his eyes cloudy? if so, that may be a sign of a bacterial infection. check the disease forum for tips on treating it if that is the case.


New Member
His eyes are crystal clear. He's actually a beautiful fish with great color and markings. He continues to eat from the feeding prong and continues to bump into everything.


unfortunately yes he can be blind. Blindness does occur in captive fish and it usually a sign of a nutritional deficiency or progressive disease (often times linked to dietary problems). A guess is your diet of krill and live FW feeders might be the source of the problem (unless the lion has had cloudy eyes for a while), but its too late now.
So does your fish react to your hands by flaring, or does he react only to food if you bump his nose? does he still bump into objects in the tank?
I had cared for a Tusk which was totally blind and he lived fine for 2 more yrs bein hand fed. Lionfish are sight based predators and rely on smell secondarily, so a blind lilnfish will require you to hand fed him 2-3x week. If possible skip the krill, and live feeders, and go w/ what lionfish eat in the wild. SW fish, silversides, small chunks of shell-on shimp, small chunks of crab meat. I'm not sayin you'll reverse any problems, but at least it won't make it worse
good luck