A Bubble On My Hammer ??


Active Member
I noticed this bubble comeing out of this hammer that I fraged over a year ago. Its allways been doing great and still seams like its OK. Stays open and colors good. Ive kept Hammers for over three years and never seen this befor. I noticed it a few days ago and it doent seen to be getting any bigger but not sure.
So, should I just leave it alone or maybe try to pop it with a neddle ?
I cant tell if this is a swollen tenticle or if its coming out of the mouth of the polyp. I think its over the mouth.
Any comments or suggestions ??



Active Member
Do a search on this. I remember reading a few months back this was happening to someone else. As I recall, I thing the majority of the respose was splittting.


yup.i believe it is splitting/reproducing.my frogspawn does that from time to time with no ill effect.seems like everytime it does spawnie gets bigger.started with 12 heads now is up in the twenties.


Active Member
Ok, cool
Ill let it be then. My hammers do grow nice but like I said never seen it do this. I know corals are such intresting animals.
Thanks all