A couple of actinic...

nm reef

Active Member
...pics. I was messin' with my camera and took these shots this morning with only the 2x110 URI super ctinic VHO's on. I always like the effect of the blue lighting on the corals ... the actinics come on for a hour before the MH's and stay on a hour after the MH's shut down...some folks may not like the intense blue color from the VHO's but I've always enjoyed the dawn/dusk contrast to the bright white effect when all the lights are on.

nm reef

Active Member
...closer still...a good look at my recovering pectina I purchased a few months ago...this is a fairly true representaion of what my eye actually sees early in the morning...

nm reef

Active Member
Later today I'll try to take a couple of shots of the same general area with the MH's on. Just to show the change from dawn/dusk to full lighting.


Hey, beautiful pics. Rookie question, is that a Acropora in the top picture in the middle on top? I have read that SPS should be kept by themselves? (Or is that just for rookie, beginners?)

nm reef

Active Member
Yes...I do have a few sps type frags. Three acropora sp frags...a green slimer...a pocilliopora...a monti digitata and a monti cap...along withh assorted LPS ...zooanthids...a few leathers...and a couple of softies...plus three different species of clams. To date there have been no major aggression and/or chemical warfare issues. I like the mixed look and keep a close eye on potential issues. Plus I run a fairly effecient filtration system that may help keep things under control.

nm reef

Active Member
I picked up the pectina at a discount due to its poor condition...it has since settled in real well...is stable...and seems to be recovering from some tissue recession and a little shipping damage.


Active Member
Cool tank!
I dumped my T5 actinic lamp in favor of this. It is a submesible blue 40 watt lamp that makes the corals fluoresce great. I am adding a second one to replace actinic and I may add a 3rd sun to my t5 mix after that.
The color of the frogspawn in the picture is VERY close to what it looks like after the mains are off a while. The yellow torch actually has an orange look to the tips.


Active Member
Here is a shot of the tank with the single blue on. I love the eery look. I am adding a second lamp because they are only about 40 inches long and I need 72.


NM reef and reefraff both of your tanks look great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was woundering if you could help me out for minute about lighting?
i have a 26 gal that has been up and running now for a year.
Dimensions: 24L x 15W x 21D (depth is more around 19 b/c of the LS)
i'm puchasing a skimmer, building a refugium, and getting new lighting and then i will finaly turn this thank into a reef.
i know what type of corals i would like and i was hoping that you could push me in the right direction towards the correct lighting!?!
i would like to have these corals:
Kenya Tree Coral
Yellow Fiji Leather
Zoo's - colorerful kind
Hammer coral - would prefer to put this on the sandbed
the LFS recommended that i get the orbit satellite light system, 130 watts 65x2
What do you guys think? Thanks!


Staff member
NMreef, your pectina is doing well on the sandbed. I put mine there for awhile and it didn't like it much. I mean it didn't like the sand, not the lower light. :thinking:

nm reef

Active Member
Beth...its not exactly on the sand bed...its sort of wedged between some rubble where my sarcophyton sits and the large piece of lr just behind it...close...but not directly on the sand. It was higher on the lr but i moved it down a few months ago...it seems much better where it is now. Its even shown some new growth recently so I think I'll let it be.
roadrunner...for your display and the corals you listed 2x65 PC's may be decent...but I'd suggest some research into MH's...possibly a single 175 watt...maybe even a actinic for supplimentation. Then your coral selection could be greatly extended.

nm reef

Active Member
Nope...so far he has been a model citizen. Many folks report problems but mine has great so far. There were some early spats between him and the hippo...but thats all settled.


Active Member
Very nice NM. Your Kole Tanks is nice!! I just got one, so far he's pretty jumpy but a nice fish!!


i have always liked the flames. i notice that alot of people put them in there reefs. thanks for the info.


Since you are "just Killin time"
Can I ask a question?
I am looking at buying a T5 8x54 fixture
I have thread asking for suggestions on bulbs for it
and I got great info, however it comes with only 10k or actinic 420's
Would you suggest a 4 of each or a different mix
Thanks ahead of time