A couple of actinic...

nm reef

Active Member
Can't really say cowpoke...I've never even seen T5's....but I'd guess with 4-6 10K's & the others actinic. really just depends on how you want them to look. The 10k's(at least the MH's I run) are sort of yellowish alone...the actinics very blue...together they produce a crisp white noonday appearence. You may beed to purchase a few extra lamps and combine them to suit your needs.


Thank you NM
That is pretty much the concensus
just needed a starting place, since the fixture comes with 8 lamps, did not want to waste the "freebies".
Thanks for lettin me hi-jack your thread for a bit


New Member
I have a Satellite Hood 48" with dual Actinic lights. How long should the Actinic lights stay on before and after the Daylight lamps are turned on and off? Does it really make a difference to the fish, live rock or Corals?

nm reef

Active Member
I don't believe it makes much difference to the livestock...but I like the appearence of dawn/dusk...just looks good to me. It does prevent sudden "lights on" shock but other than that I don't beleive there is any real benefit to the critters.


NM reef - i looked at a 175 MH pendent with 2x28 antinics but i was told that in a 26 gal tank this would generate alot of heat and i dont wont to buy a chiller.
what do you think?