a couple of questions with pics!


hey guys
will try to post pics along with my questions, and hope that they work.
first thing--
have this stuff growing on my sand bed....this is live sand that i added when i started up the tank about 4.5 months ago. everything has been great with the tank. now i have this reddish stuff growing, and i think it might be coralline, but i'm not sure. it's not cyano i don't think. can anyone help?

i have this thing growing on my rock, and it looks like some sort of anemone. just wondering if anyone could ID for me. thanks a lot for the help! i love learning here!

14 gallon biocube
18 lbs. live rock
1 clown
1 bicolor pseudo
4 snails
4 crabs
caribsea live sand
running for 4.5 months
0 ammonia/0 nitrite/10 nitrate
have my own RO/DI unit, makes for easy water changes every week.


Not positive on the first pic semoluv but that second one looks to be aiptasia. Best gotten rid of with several methods being available. Do a quick search for "aiptasia" and you'll see what I mean. I too have gotten some of these lately and have been using Joe's Juice to get rid of them. Working good for me so far.


ok good stuff on the aiptasia...that might be it, although i only have one, and have only had one for a long period of time (2 months)...is there any time frame on them reproducing? maybe i will just get a peppermint shrimp to eat it?!?!


It is surprising that you've only had one that long. Usually, they tend to multiply pretty quickly. The peppermint shrimp is one way to try to control aiptasia.


The brown thing is definitely Aiptasia. They can live singly for ages then will start reproducing like crazy. I would not keep it. Peppermint shrimp are in interesting way to keep it under control and they also scavenge for other things in your tank. The shrimp grow quickly, so make sure your iodine levels are adequate for carapace reproduction.
The other thing is a little strange, and it is surrounded by what looks like coral rubble. Usually coraline is more pink, not blood red. It almost looks like a red bubble algae. Touch it and see if it is hard or soft. The bubble stuff is hard, but you can puncture it, whichyou dont want to do, because then it will spread all over your tank.
Originally Posted by jkopp36
It is surprising that you've only had one that long. Usually, they tend to multiply pretty quickly. The peppermint shrimp is one way to try to control aiptasia.
+ 1 on the peppermint shrimp
You just have to make sure they are real peppermint shrimp and they may or may not eat them. I bought 2 of them and I noticed they were gone in 3 days


i have the stock lights that came with the biocube, and have not changed them out ever...saw no reason to because i do not plan on investing in inverts or corals for a while!
btw---thanks for the help so far!


Active Member
I've never had luck w/pepps eating my aiptasia.
Only pepps from a certain location will eat them. I use Joe's Juice.