A couple quick questions...


Got my first shipment every from SWF.com, and very pleased I might add...B.E.A...utiful... Feather dusters. :joy:
Anyway, I also got a nice flame scallop, but I don't really know where to put him.:notsure: I saw that someone put the one they had on the sand, and then I head that that was not such a good idea....Any info would be greatly appreciated.......
Also, pink hatian (sp?) anemone...High flow or low flow? He seems to like high flow, as he attached his foot as soon as he was put in the tank in a high flow area, but now I am starting to wonder if he's not just holding on for dear life:confused: .
Well, thanks ahead of time for any info..


Active Member
the anemone will move himself if he doesnt like where he is. i have one and he moves around all the time.


I just got two pink tips, and I was wondering, if I was saposed to drop it into the water or drop it onto a rock, it is just chilling on the bottom of the tank, on the sand.:notsure:


Active Member
The scallop will move like said, but I would place it on the sand. Also they do not have a high survival rate. Same with the anenome (about moving). I highly recommend covering any intakes you have to protect it. You can use bridal veil, a sponge prefilter, anything to keep them from getting sucked in.
Hopefully you acclimated them first, after that you can just release them and let them land wherever. It will find a spot on its own, usually not where you had in mind though.


I put the scallop on the sand yesterday after I acclimated him. I guess he likes where I put him, cause when I woke up this morning he had only like turned a little bit. OH MY GOODNESS!!! I am so :mad: at my stupid domino!! I bought a mated pair of perculia (sp?) clowns, and thought that the anemone that I got would host them, but guess who it is hosting?????
That evil domino!!!! Is that normal? He picks on everything else in the tank and the anemone hosts HIM?:notsure:
Anyway, thanks for the info guys...


:rolleyes: I guess, being a newbie.. I find something new in my tank every night, and this is probably a stupid question...
I saw a like 1/2in long BRIGHT red worm crawling on the inside of my tank last night near the sand bottom, and then it went inyo the sand. It king of liike like a flat worm, but it had like millions of little legs.....Any ideas?


Active Member
Damsels are related to the clowns so it is possible for them to be hosting. The worm is most likely a bristle worm. Beneficial and IMO safe. You will get mixed reviews about bristles, just do some searches here. HTH


Active Member
if you look in the clown and anemone forum you will find a thread talking about which clowns and anemones will host. it says that because the pink tip anem. is an atlantic ocean species and that clowns are a pacific ocean species, they really dont know that eachother exist and they dont know that they should host each other. so it is not likely that they will host. i have the same prob with my clowns and pink tip. i didnt find out this fact until after i bought the pink tip, but what are you gonna do. just because it is unlikely that they wont host eachother doesnt mean that they wont do it. hell, my clown hosts my flowerpot. look....


K... Finally got the damsel out of my tank... Took me all weekend:nervous: ....Anyway.. Just going to keep ahold of the anemone. He likes where he is and seems to be doing great. Took the domino to my LFS Saturday because he was also picking on my royal garamma(sp?). Poor thing wouldn't even come out to eat.. He doing much better now though.:D


I think my domino damsel likes that pink tip hatin anenome too much, he just chills there, next to it, and doesn't come out to eat, often.