A Disappearing Fish?

this diamond goby was doing fine for weeks until just yeasterday we noticed he had disappeared. we checked all his burrows and hiding places,and he was not there. we checked outside of the tank because we heard they were jumpers, not there. All the other fish in the tank are fine and happy. We dont have any predators in out tank.we only have scavengers,and i considerd that he might have been dead and gone,but we never saw his/her body or remains. this fish was very social so he will be missed if he is not found.


New Member
Had a Blue hippo tang do the same thing for about 4 days, suddenly showed back up dont lose hope, how much LR do u have for him to hide, also this fish may have burrowed into the sand, be careful of moving things around in the tank, u dont want to crush him if he is alive


i have the exact problem with my dart fish it was fine yesterday had it for about 3/4 weeks and its gone no where to be seen.... i also had asimular problem 2 week ago my brand new orange spot blenny jumped the tank and found it 2 meters from the tank. i've double checke all around ad approx 2 meters out n nothing.
ok so ive been looking and i have'nt seen him. so if he is hiding under the sand, does he need a hole to breath through or what?is there any thing i should be looking for.


My diamond goby goes to bed every night and closes his burrow. Then he digs out in the morning. However, if your goby did die, its possible his carcas was eatten.


Active Member
do you have a dog?might have gotten rid of the evidence.
i had a 3 inch athinia in my 90 and when i switched to my 150 i was taking the fish out a came up one short.only thing i can think of is it jumped and the dog got him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442
do you have a dog?might have gotten rid of the evidence.
i had a 3 inch athinia in my 90 and when i switched to my 150 i was taking the fish out a came up one short.only thing i can think of is it jumped and the dog got him.
Yes as quoted..... Are you egg-crated?? The are tide pool skimmers by nature........ Hope he didn't go carpet surfing.........
One other thought, did you pull your rock directly on the bottom, or was there substrate under it?? If it was not on the bottom, sometimes they dig and go under a piece that moves down a bit with the him still under it.. Hope not............
Also Diamonds are noted for surfing when their little tide pool (your tank) runs out of pods they then jump looking for food........Hence the crating listed above.....
The way of last resort to find him, lay a small expensive frag on the substrate close to a cave. If it is gone the next moring the little bugger is still in there........... Good Luck.....

sx450 rider

Originally Posted by big
Yes as quoted..... Are you egg-crated?? The are tide pool skimmers by nature........ Hope he didn't go carpet surfing.........
One other thought, did you pull your rock directly on the bottom, or was there substrate under it?? If it was not on the bottom, sometimes they dig and go under a piece that moves down a bit with the him still under it.. Hope not............
Also Diamonds are noted for surfing when their little tide pool (your tank) runs out of pods they then jump looking for food........Hence the crating listed above.....
The way of last resort to find him, lay a small expensive frag on the substrate close to a cave. If it is gone the next moring the little bugger is still in there........... Good Luck.....

what will this do


Active Member
They are very inquisitive of any new thing or object on the substrate........ More often than not they will bury it of move it into their cave.......... As I said "Last resort"........You know light humor...... but it just may work.........
Their interest in new things, just may be a territorial issue too....
But I am sure if that little frag of Tubs had been left in front of his cave. Within hours or at best overnight it would have been missing.........
Mine have hidden many a frag placed in the front of the tank.


Still looking for my flame hawk. Had him about 10 months or so and he disappeared about three weeks ago. One day he's there next day he's gone. About the same time I had a peppermint shrimp disappear on me so my hopes were that he ate it and went into hiding to digest it. Unfortunately still no sign of him, no remains.....nothing. As someone stated earlier I'm wondering if my dog found him. I guess I'll never know. We are not the first and surely won't be the last. Keep that tank covered. I learned my lesson.


Active Member
This little PFF guy will vanish for up to a week or more that suddenly there he is front and enter in his usual spot??