A eel question/shark question


Active Member
My next door neighbor has a 55gal with a chainlink eel,striped puffer(very small),volitan lion(4in).He told me he kinda wants a BLK EDGE moray eel.So could he put the black edge eel in the 55gal?And if he cant,he told me "could i put a banded shark in my 55gal?"He told me he is getting a 125 at christmas time.But he realy wants one of those fish.


Active Member
Wow thats a lot of fish for a 55 gallon. The chainlink eel and volitan is about all you can have in there. He may be able to get by with a his puffer but I don't so. The answer is definately no to the eel and shark. The banded cat shark will be way to big for the 125g. They get about 3 1/2 ft. long and require at least a 180g. Sorry if I sounded mean.:D


Active Member
He told me that his LFS said that he could but the shark in the tank.(well the manger).The shark is 3in. Iam trying to help him alot,beacuse he keeps crying!!!He told me if he gets rid of the lion could he put a shark in the tank???I CANT MAKE HIM SHUT UP!!!!!!
Well my next door neighbor is this 16 year old kid.


Active Member
Well what do you have for filtration and do you have a protein skimmer if so what kind. I am no shark expert but if hes only like 3in. then he might live for 3-5 months in the tank. But if you tell me what kind of filtration he has then I will be able to answer your question better.


Active Member
right now he has a emporer 400,a heater,seaclone protein skimmer.He is over at my house right now.He said he will be getting a better protein skimmer when he gets the 125.He said "how much waste do they produce?And how many times a week should he feed the shark?He told me that TheLFS said feed the shark a few ghost shrimp every other night.


Active Member
You should be alright for a few months although you would be better off with a wet/dry system. I would take the puffer out because I think they might nip at the sharks fins, if you have like a 30 gal. you could put the striped puffer in there for a few months. As for feeding my neighbor has a 500gal. tank with banded cat sharks and he feeds them every other day. He feeds them the shark formula, krill, clams, silversides. He switches between those 4 things. I would not feed them any freshwater feeder shrimp or feeder fish because freshwater fish and inverts don't have the enough nutrients for saltwater fish and sharks. So he should he the food listed above and if not try soaking them in garlic.


Active Member
He told me he does not realy want the shark to grow that fast.So he is wondering is there any foods that will not make the shark grow very fast?


Active Member
I don't think there are any foods that will make him grow slower. And definately do not underfeed him so he won't grow that fast.:D


Active Member
No because they are freshwater inverts and saltwater fish and sharks won't get the nutrients from them.

tony detroit

Active Member
You can feed ghost shrimp and be fine. But do not underfeed, underfeeding leads to poor health and eventually death.


Active Member
Tony I thought saltwater fish can'y get all the right nutrients to be healthy from eating freshwater shrimp and fish?


Active Member
I thought that you had the shark in a 55 already??? And whats this about a neighbor??? Im confused.:notsure: Anyway, a shark doesnt belong in a 55!!! For the last time!!! Someone else on this board didnt listen to all the advice when he attempted the same act of cruelty, and two weeks later, it died. Go buy Aquarium Sharks and Rays by Scott Michael and do some research BEFORE you buy! Oh, and never go back to the LFS that said he would be okay in that tank for a year.

tony detroit

Active Member
While I do not know the nutritional value of ghost shrimp, you can feed them, they are recommended in the book, and they are commonly used to get fasting juveniles to eat.


Ghost shrimp would be fine to get the shark feeding initially but should not be the mainstay of the animal's diet. The problem is that freshwater food lack certain essential elements and the omega fatty acids that marine predators require. The reason ghost shrimp are recommended is because not many animals can resist a small moving prey like the shrimp, but as I said the shark should be fed marine flsh as soon as possible.
There is no shark that should be kept in a 55 for any length of time. Far too many sharks die due to the good intentions of a keeper, ie they intend to get a larger tank. Even if your neighbor or you does get the tank, it still has to be set up and COMPLETELY cycled long before the shark is added. It is a very bad idea to place a shark in a tank that is not properly cycled. Ammonia at any concentration is deadly to most sharks.
The advice that is given here is intended to help both the keeper and especially the animal, please heed it. We may not be experts but we know what we are doing and have learned the hard way. I also agree that the more research you do the better of you will be!


New Member
a men, i just lost an 10 in smooth hound. and those things aint cheep. it turned out he was captured with some kind of parasite in his gills. looked kinda like a worm. but anyhow i had him for 2 months and bam dead.:notsure:


Your Bioload will overwhelm the 55 long before Christmas. O2 levels will be hard to maintain. I the "big tank" falls through you'll have a lot of dead fish. Please reconsider



Originally posted by FLATZBOY
No because they are freshwater inverts and saltwater fish and sharks won't get the nutrients from them.

mysis shrimp is fresh water shrimp and saltwater fish get so much nutrients from them:D