A Family


I appear to have a family of these under one of my rocks, They don't seem to bother anything. Just come out and eat off the substrate.



New Member
These are Bristle Worms. The are VERY beneficial scavengers. They seem to be photosensitive so they will usually come out at night. If you see 3 or 4 of them then you usually have about 20 or more of them. They like to live in rocks and dark places and then they come out in full force at night to clean waste in your tank. Don't touch them. The "bristles" on their bodies will sting you and it will agitate you. They aren't poisonous and will not do any permanent harm if you touch them, it will just be uncomfortable for a while. I had a Coral Banded Shrimp for a while and he regretably ate my whole colony of Bristle worms :( I want them back.


Originally Posted by heirfaus
These are Bristle Worms aka Fire Worms. The are VERY beneficial scavengers. They seem to be photosensitive so they will usually come out at night. If you see 3 or 4 of them then you usually have about 20 or more of them. They like to live in rocks and dark places and then they come out in full force at night to clean waste in your tank. Don't touch them. The "bristles" on their bodies will sting you and it will agitate you. They aren't poisonous and will not do any permanent harm if you touch them, it will just be uncomfortable for a while. I had a Coral Banded Shrimp for a while and he regretably ate my whole colony of Bristle worms :( I want them back.
I have a mated pair of CBS so far the worms are winning.