a few corals from today


if I could remember them LOL
the first a cant remember for the life of me it looks like a cross between a hairy mushroom and a ric but its neither.
the next is an Antifreeze green Caulastrea
number 3 Green Hydnophora
number 4 is a Pink Pocillopora
number 5 is a cabbage leather
and number 6 is another shot of number one.
I will have to find out again LOL ok They are rhodactis SP mushrooms


Active Member
I was going to say its a frilly mushroom, not good at the scientific names, bad memory here. It looks sorta like mine.


Active Member
I was going to say its a frilly mushroom, not good at the scientific names, bad memory here. It looks sorta like mine.

Everything looks good
The candycanes will "pop" under acentics.


its not a frilly mushroom though its almost like a cross of them and rics its only about half opened in the picture above!! I have had both and it look similiar to both but at the same time COMPLETELY different if that makes any sense.


Active Member
Yeah it does make sense. sort of, i am not crazy about the frillys, what you have is sweet! Let me know if you are up for a swap, i would love to trade up for one of those


these actually came from around new orleans. almost none of my corals but a select few are from a LFS most are from trading with freinds or freinds on road trips looking out for great deals.
I actually live in Arkansas now so I havent been in Texas for a few years. I am going to make a road trip to Texas this summer though if everything works out.