a few ? for all if any one could help


ok i have an undergravle filter in a 30g tank
Im using a Internal Filter for a 50g in it on low and an undergravle filter.
my temp in the tank is 77f
in my tank i have porcupine puffer and a blenni and a third fish i dont know hes about 2.5 inch and eats brine shrimp thats all i know.
i just want to know a few ?
how manny/ what kind of fish can i ad to my tank?
do i need diffrent filtration or is what i have fine?
i have a small cave and thats realy it what should i ad to it?
any thing els you think i should know that would be appreciate it
thank you


Active Member
get rid of the underground filter.
Research and find out what the other fish is.
Do not feed brine shrimp, as it has no nutritional value at all, that fish is starving to death as it eats.
Describe the fish you don't know.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by alienup
ok i have an undergravle filter in a 30g tank
Im using a Internal Filter for a 50g in it on low and an undergravle filter.
my temp in the tank is 77f
in my tank i have porcupine puffer and a blenni and a third fish i dont know hes about 2.5 inch and eats brine shrimp thats all i know.
i just want to know a few ?
how manny/ what kind of fish can i ad to my tank?
do i need diffrent filtration or is what i have fine?
i have a small cave and thats realy it what should i ad to it?
any thing els you think i should know that would be appreciate it
thank you
u need to feed that puffer hard foods (with bones in them)to file his teeth down or else he cant open his mouth and he will starve to death


I feed the puffer jumbo krill and also feed the puffer squid but y is the undergravle filter bad and what can i feed besides brine shrimp and the fish is black with darker black stipes and may be some kind of Basslet.
what is a good filter to get? how many air stones should i have in my tank? and what kind of fish should i look into to add? do i have room to add moer fish?


Active Member
Look at the fish listed to the left of these. I'm thinking bangaii cardinal or damsel. The U.G. filter is bad because all the waste gets sucked down through the filter pads and trapped underneath to decay, creating nitrates and ammonia. There are several things you can feed besides brine. Flakes, frozen cyclo-peeze, spectrum THERA+A pellets etc.


ok i dont think i can get rid of the u.g. fillter what can i get with it to help?
as well as i here that you dont need air stones if you use some fillters? is this true?


Active Member
Originally Posted by alienup
how manny/ what kind of fish can i ad to my tank?
do i need diffrent filtration or is what i have fine?
i have a small cave and thats realy it what should i ad to it?
Yes you need to scrap the underground idea...
Is it even a Live Rock cave?


no the cave is not live rock it will be live rock by the end of the holidays thu. what filters dont need air stone? dosent the surface of the water have to move????
my main problem is know a huge amount about fish and there living conditions but i know very little about maintaning a tank. what filters would be good cheep filter?
and the 3 fish is still unknow ill try to upload a pic later today.


Active Member
If it's a toby puffer it may not be too big for the tank, but you need to feed it shelled fish so it can chew on the shell and wear down its teeth. Otherwise, it will get to the point where it won't be able to eat. Also, if it isn't a toby you probably need to trade it in, because it will get way to big and probably agressive for that tank. You should post pictures of all your fish.
The underground filter is really not a good idea, as has been mentioned before, it produces a situation where poisons are basically being slowly seeped into the water your fish are trying to live in.
Filteration you need is:
-Protein skimmer
-Hang on back filter
-Live rock
and yes, you do need water movement so you need to pick up some powerheads.


Active Member
Just start with a canister filter and add from there...With a 30 gallon tank, you should have great circulation..Its a better package than trying to keep adding to what you have to make what you need


Active Member
Powerheads can give you definite circulation versus airstones..Why did you start another thread on the same topic?


Active Member
Not to bag, my tank is perfect by no means, but looking at you posts that have pictures in them, and seeing your other posts you have started, you have to see that people are trying to help you out..I think you arent hearing what you want to