A few id's please


Ok first one is green algae last week it was brown is this good or bad ? why the change in color? second is a small plant like thing Third is a worm is this good? Thanks



Active Member
1st pic... dunno why
2nd pic hard to tell if its a feather duster or not... 3rd pic is a bristle worm... just eats detrius in your tank --- a good thing just ugly to some people.


Originally Posted by jackri
1st pic... dunno why
2nd pic hard to tell if its a feather duster or not... 3rd pic is a bristle worm... just eats detrius in your tank --- a good thing just ugly to some people.
This is pink at the base and has white fingers i have about ten of them on the rock . How big do the worms get?

vinny p

1) your tank cycled?
or if it was red/brown algae it can be blown away easy, or some critters could have eaten it.
3) ya a bristle worm... they are good, i found that out the other day to


Originally Posted by vinny p
1) your tank cycled?
or if it was red/brown algae it can be blown away easy, or some critters could have eaten it.
3) ya a bristle worm... they are good, i found that out the other day to
Yes my tank is cycled last week it was brown and i cleaned it off it did blow all over this week it come back green


New Member
No one answered your worm question.
I had a colony of them about a year ago and they are so cool. As for your question about there size. I had them grow to about 2 inches long. I just took my sock off of my drain to my sump today and found a worm about 3.5 inches long living in it eating all the junk collecting in the sock.


bristle worms will get as big as you let them get. if you are overfeeding and they have a lot of food sources, Ive heard of them getting up to a few feet long, no joke. if you see a lot of them cut down on how much you are feeding, they are scavengers and will eat whatever they can.


Originally Posted by JTT
bristle worms will get as big as you let them get. if you are overfeeding and they have a lot of food sources, Ive heard of them getting up to a few feet long, no joke. if you see a lot of them cut down on how much you are feeding, they are scavengers and will eat whatever they can.
So far i have only seen 1


Active Member
I've had a couple bristleworms grow to well over a foot long.
Wrasses eat them if you get tired of seeing them.