A few lists....


Here is a list of everything I'm thinking for my 55g tank. If I left something out or should change something would you mind telling me?
aqua remora c HOB
penguin 350 HOB
2 maxijet 1200's
40 lbs. of aragamax sugar sand
kent sea salt
200w ebo jagar heater
48" coralife 265w light (2-10000K, 2 actinic bulbs)
hagen master test kit
How much live rock do you think I should get?
2- false percs
1-citron clown gobie
2-firefish gobies
I have no idea what to feed them :notsure: , could anyone help me?
Happy fishing! :happyfish


Active Member
Hi, the list looks good! Do you have any clean 5 gallon buckets along with an additonal heater, thermometer and airstone/powerhead for pre-mixing and aging your water? I would scrap the hydrometer and go for a refractometer, they are MUCH more accurate.
Do a little more research on the clown goby, they are quite timid and do not do well in tanks with aggressive eaters. The pair of clownds and firefish will be great, but too much competition for the citron clown at feeding time IMO. You could go for another type of goby, or maybe consider a blenny, dwarf angel or royal gramma?? Maybe a wrasse?
Going with 50-60 pounds of live rock would be a good start, you can always add more as you go along or just pick up closer to 100 pounds right off the bat.


Can you pre-mix and age your water for water changes? And how do you do this? I was always told to add new water and salt during the water change.


Active Member
Originally Posted by burtrippey
Can you pre-mix and age your water for water changes? And how do you do this? I was always told to add new water and salt during the water change.
What do you mean by new water and salt?? I am sorry, not following you here. Maybe I was confusing in my post..... :notsure: What I was saying above is you should mix your salt water up at least 24 hours before doing a water change, preferably aging it even longer. Then it needs to be aerated and brought up to temp, adjusted for pH etc......... :joy:


I forgot about the bucket, heater and powerhead. How would a lemonpeel angel do in there and what should I feed them?