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Oh boy, I haven't been hear for awhile!
I was goinf to go with a 55 but my budget won't allow for it (well it will but.....). Our family is going to vancouver for christmas and I noticed a stor had cheap 24g nano cubes with built in lighting. So, here's my questions (notice the plural form of question
1. It has 2 36 watt compact flourecent bulbs and a 24 watt PC bulb (either 50/50 or 6500k), what kind of coral could I keep if any?
2. Do you need a protein skimmer for a FOWLR?
3. If I bought live sand that's in a bag there and then drove home the next day (14 hrs) would still be alright?
Lastly, would two clowns be fine in a 24g?
Thanks and,
Happy Fishing! :happyfish
1. Your lighting will suit some corals. Check out chile corals and some mushrooms. Placement might be key here. You might want to keep say your red mushrooms closer to the top of your tank. Also if you are up to the upkeep, look at corals that do not host photosymbiotic algae. You will need to feed them several times a day though. Again, I will need to know what your water movement is before I can give suggestions. Some corals will be fine with lower light if the water flow is high/medium, but some will do fine is slower water flows. Also, please do understand that you can by and by, upgrade your lighting as well. It all depends on the dimensions of your tank. That will allow you to increase your coral choices. In addition to water movement and lighting, an important, but often overlooked aspect of nano-reefing is the size of corals. Some will grow too big for your tank, some are just not suited for smaller tanks even though they are not big. For suggestions, try nano-reef.com and wetwebmedia.com, they tend to suggest corals and suitability, especially the former.
2. I think a skimmer is pretty much a must for any tank except the very smallest ones that host only inverts. Fish produce wastes, and you have a smaller tank which makes protein skimming even more important. Please consider atleast a cheaper skimmer before you upgrade to say an AquaC Remora (which IMO is the best I have used and I have used the works!)
3. Live sand is usually packed in water, so you should be fine.
4. 2 clowns will be okay in a 24 gallon as long as you pick the smaller clown species (don't start eyeing maroons and the like) and promise to keep only those two fish in the tank. (No other fish, no getting tempted by the goby etc.)