A few more rookie questions.......


New Member
I have had my tank about 3 weeks now. I have been reading and reading, and have learned quite a bit from all of you. Just a few suggestions is what I am looking for. I have a 50 gal with about 30 lbs of LR. The bottom has about 21/2 inches of CC. I have a wet dry filter with a protin skimmer, and 2 40 gal filters just for extra.(they came with the tank when I bought it) I just bought the PH test kit and it seems to be doing just great. My salinity keeps changing but for the most part it is stable. I have 5 mixed damsels, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 featherduster, and one red star. No powerheads yet, but as I have read this is very important. My goal is to have a reef tank with few fish and lots of creatures. I seem to be more fasinated with the inverts rather than the big beautiful fish. Any suggustions on what to stock once the tank is cycled. I think I am a little antcy about putting things in and I know I need to take it slow. Any help is much appreciated as we all know this is an expencive hobbie, and I don't really have much extra for error. I would really like to set it up right the first time before I have so much in there to make it harder to change. Thanks in advance!!! :confused:


Ich is a parasite that attacks fish...it looks like grains of salt imbedded in the fins and side of the fish. Rather unsitely.
Good luck with the new set up.
What part of Houston? I know a couple of good LFS's.


Always start out with soft corals. My tank is loaded with various mushrooms and star polyps. They are very tolerent of PH, salinity, and nitrate levels that constantly change with newbies. I only have 1 20,000k and 1 actinic bulb on my tank and they thrive. Just had 2 different mushroom colonies spawn, now I have hundreds of babie mushrooms on everything in the tank. Definately put a smile on my face!


New Member
Ray, I actually live in Katy. What part of Katy do you live in? I am in Old Katy. What lfs do you recomend?


I am at Fry road...
The best for corals that I have found is TNT at Hwy 6 and Bellaire. The is a Houston Reefer meeting there around 7pm on July 2nd to discuss tips and tricks.
There is another LFS at Westheimer and Synott tucked away in a stripmall. Better for fish than corals.


Don't get in a hurry. If you want to do a reef and have success then figure out what you wish to stock the tank with and be able to meet it's requirements.
You'll probably want to get rid of the CC and put in a DSB and add a bit more live rock ( 1-1.5 lbs per gal) and get a good protine skimmer.
Here are some things to think about. Hope it helps.


Active Member
i'll agree with plato. get rid of the cc!
and get a good skimmer.
i made that mistake. a big one if you ask me.


I am also a begginer at this, and basically learning from my sister's and brother-in-law's (to be) mistakes. As well as my own. I basically want to know what i should do next in my setup. I have a 20 gallon tank with a little live rock, and 3 damsels. I want to get a crab or two next. What should i do? Should i go for the crabs, or do i need something else first.
P.S. I already have a powerhead, filter, thermometer, heater....everything i need. :confused:


Active Member
I may have missed something, but what kind of lighting do you have? A lot of the inverts and corals need lots of light. If you've got your eye on a cool clam for instance, you need lots and lots of light!
Take care,
Dan'l :D


I have a 18 inch, 15 watt "natural lighting" light. For now, the white light is what im sticking with, but i'll probably get a 50/50 light after i get my crabs. :p