Beautiful!!! In the full shot, i love the black sand... I might do this, even though the bamboos may blend in... Can i keep bamboos and epaulettes together? i saw them together at my LFS (this LFS is the only one that sells sharks... They also have 4' catfish that you can actually pet!!!).
Well, i'll post some pics as soon as i get it up and running... in about 5 years!!!
We're planning on remodeling the house then, and putting an addition on. My current master bedroom is only like 12 X 14... waaayyyy too small. We're going to double the length, and have the fish tank at the very end, between two closets (as well as an amazing master bath... getting a little too off topic). Probably about 220 gallons - 250... not sure whether or not to have it "in the wall" or just have a regular setup. I'll probably do just a normal tank, i'd be afraid of not having access to my whole tank!
Right now i'm working on my reef (still only have florescent lighting...
I'll definately be keeping in touch.
Oh, BTW, BEAUTIFUL rabbitfish! I want one of those guys sooooo bad!!! I've always wanted a beautiful butterfly or angelfish too! mmmm... can't wait to get this tank!!!