A few new pics...


just a couple shots from my 12 gal. not finished yet. Im really stoked on the new zoos! i ended up switching one of my 24 watt 50/50 bulbs out for a 24 watt all actinic blue and im really happy with the results. you cant tell from the pics but it has made a huge difference in the color of my zoos and a couple other corals. other than that, i liked the more subdued lighting, i think its a little more natural. enjoy
cant stop looking at these...the pic does them no justice....



MAN what a tank!!!!!!!!!!! everytime i see your pics your tank gets better and better. how much do u think u spent on all that


awesome.... i like what ur doing... u should have to bottom be like all diff. color zoos... that would be sweet!


thanks. im planning on doing that. I am no where near where I want to be with zoos. Im waiting on a few more frags to come in so I can fill it up some more. and nanokid...to answer your question...my life is this tank. haha. but really, i do spend alot of time working on it, making sure all the corals are where they should be ect. i actually just got into reef tanks 8 months ago so i feel like ive come along way. thanks for all the compliments though, any tips/suggestions would be appreciated.....now....to how much i spent....
well, i do the usual.
weekly water changes which run me about 10$ thats about as much as i spend now unless i am looking into more zoos. other than that the rock was probably the most expensive as always
i probably have spend close to $700, but its well worth it. ill post a couple more pics i thought were cool in a little bit if anyone cares to see more. thanks again


Very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My next coral that I am wishing to buy are some candy canes like yours!!! They look awesome. I am also jealious of your zoo's...that is the only coral that I have had problems keeping.
Great loooking tank!!


Can you please give me advice on how you are able to grow so much coraline algae and not hair algae? I have so much hair algae its ridiculous. And also, now I am starting to get brown/red slime algae!!! I dont know what to do. How do you keep your tank so clean....is it the fact that you actually clean it as soon as you see green hair algae? Tell me what your doing right..i need help with my tank. If you can post some advice on my thread, would be really appreciated. Thanks..
my thread -->


Active Member
I wanted to increase my lighting to get better color in my zoos, but your saying that by switching your 50/50 to an all actinic blue, that helped? I don't fully understand the lights, but isn't the 50/50 your day light?


it should be ok just as long as you have the same watts as before. originally there were 2 50/50 daylight bulbs. i have 1 24 watt 50/50 bulb in there, and im not sure if its actinic. i took out the other 50/50 and replaced it with a 24 wat actinic blue and noticed a huge difference. so now i have a 50/50 daylight and a full actinic blue, both 24 watts. it really does make a huge difference i would highly reccomend it.


so i wanted to do something interesting...here is a progression of my tank over the last 8 months... haha i love to see how my tank looked the first month it was up...enjoy ***)
september 2005 yikes...

october 2005

november 2005

december 2005

february 2006



couple shots of my clown in my frogspawn...i love these haha day and night shot ***)

dont flame me for this star, he'll be in a bigger tank soon with more rock...


thanks alot. i actually added some new zoos. mean greens i think, both me and the guy i bought them from were not too sure. anyway id like to post em later if anyone is interested.
thanks for the comments