A few new pics...


Active Member
Big Pete, how long have you had the 50/50 bulb and the full 03 actinic bulb? I absolutely love the bluer color and would like to do the same thing in my tank. I don't want to though if it will affect my corals in a negative way though. I don't care if they grow a little slower, but I don't want it to kill any of them.
Gorgeous tank!


everything should be just fine as long as you have the same watts as you did before. my tank originally had 2 50/50 daylight bulbs equaling 48 watts total. i just replaced on of the 24 watt bulbs with an actinic blue 24 watt bulb. no problem at all. your corals might grow a little slower, but i think in a nano thats a good thing haha. i would HIGHLY reccomend putting in an actinic blue bulb. its inexpensive and looks great. dont put in two though, it looks really bad IMO.
aaaaaand ive had the bulb in there for about 2 1/2 weeks now with no problems


Active Member
I got the 24 gallon JBJ nano cube so I would have the actinic blue 03 36 watt and 50/50 36 watt. Did you put the all blue bulb in the front slot or back slot? Does it matter?


i dont think it matters. i put my in the front obly because I wanted it to bring out the color in my zoo's and my frogspawn. now, if you have some nice zoos or a bright coral you wanna bring out in the back, you could put it there but i would just put it in the front to make sure everyone gets light.i wish i could get a decent shot of my candy cane in the top right, the blue in the centers are now neon teal. its nuts. but its really your preference. post some pics when you get em in! itl look sick trust me.
p.s my clown looks way prettier. his white bars stand out so much more and have a sort of blue/silver tink to them.


Active Member
Sounds good Big Pete. I am trying to find a good deal on a true actinic 03 36 watt straight pin. I don't want a blue bulb; I want the real deal.


well, i didnt really have much of a method. I just found a good, large base rock and then more dramatic looking branch type pieces for the top and sides. I think that round rocks are no good because they are too hard to work with and other rocks will not be stable on them. thanks for the comments


Originally Posted by bigpete
well, i didnt really have much of a method. I just found a good, large base rock and then more dramatic looking branch type pieces for the top and sides. I think that round rocks are no good because they are too hard to work with and other rocks will not be stable on them. thanks for the comments