A Few Pics Of My 90 Gallon Fish Only Tank


Active Member
I third that notion, but none the less your tank looks great!!!!!!!!!! the fake stuff is ok, like everyone else says "whatever makes you happy" not a problem at all


Active Member
I am getting a 10 fot tank, I was not going to transfer fish but if I have too I will! Thanks for the help guys.


The decorations hide the beauty of your fish otherwise, very nice set up....


Active Member
dude, does your picasso pick on your lionfish? I want one so bad put i herd i cant get one because the picaso will pick at my lion


Nice tank, I was wondering are you putting two different salts in your tank, because you have Instant Ocean and Coralife Salt buckets next to the tank. It is a bad idea to mix salts of what I've heard by multiple speakers. They all give different amounts of elements and it is not ideal to swich from one salt to the next. I would say pick a salt and stick with it they are all good and give different things for your tank. So do your research and find out which one is the best for your needs. There are charts and write ups all over the net.


That tank looks awesome. Whats so bad about fake corals??? They are usually cheaper to buy and don't cost anything to maintain and in some cases they look really good.. also you can keep anything with em' What's not to like?


Active Member
Ok for the person who asked how I keep the Picaso with the Lion. The Picasso picks on every new addition to the aquarium, I have allot of hiding spots so after 3 days they get along. The lion is fairly agreasive so as sona s he snapped at him he snapped back and they began to get along 5 hours later! For the person that asked about the salt buckets, I only use the coralife the other bucket has s iphon in it and I use it for acclimating fish and adding water. Thaks for the input guys!


Active Member
Sweet pics!! I think my favorite is the porky. Keep up the good work, and cant wait to see pics of that 10ft. tank!


Active Member
3 to 4 inches I was told they get really big. I have him for maybe 6 months now and he has not grown yet!


Active Member
hate to beat a dead horse, but the tank looks fantastic, stand is nice, fish are great, but seriously loose the fake stuff.....doesn't look the best...to people that are new to saltwater or...are big fans of freshwater the fake stuff looks good,...but for those of us who actully have coral and live rock, we know the difference....and to alot of us ...its kinda like having a huge fake tree in your living room....just looks goofy
Or better.... its like going to your grandmas house and she still has plastic on the coutch....looks kinda normal...but more odd then anything


Active Member
hate to beat a dead horse, but the tank looks fantastic, stand is nice, fish are great, but seriously loose the fake stuff.....doesn't look the best...to people that are new to saltwater or...are big fans of freshwater the fake stuff looks good,...but for those of us who actully have coral and live rock, we know the difference....and to alot of us ...its kinda like having a huge fake tree in your living room....just looks goofy
Or better.... its like going to your grandmas house and she still has plastic on the coutch....looks kinda normal...but more odd then anything