Lokks great, Kirk. Is the Sohal still the Grand Poobah? Mine intimidates a clown trigger of about the same size. I think you'll be surprised how fast the base rock turns "live".
Originally Posted by srfisher17 http:///forum/post/3098054
Lokks great, Kirk. Is the Sohal still the Grand Poobah? Mine intimidates a clown trigger of about the same size. I think you'll be surprised how fast the base rock turns "live".
Steve, long time no chat...How goes it? Yeah the Sohal is a pretty good Alpha fish, nobody even thinks about messing with him, but he rarely gets nasty with the others. He is growing like crazy, I have had him less than a year and he has put on almost 4 inches. That's what Mark M. said, he will grow like a weed to 8 or 9 inches then slow down considerably.
Originally Posted by crypt keeper http:///forum/post/3098111
what size is that? Man that fish selection is awesome. Is that a queen or blue?
240 8x2x2....Which one are you referring? No Queens, the only royalty I have are an Emperor and a King....Guessing you are referring to the Passer/King Angel.
Originally Posted by nycbob http:///forum/post/3098114
i like it. i wish my tank is that long.
Thanks Bob...I like your tank as well
Originally Posted by kjr_trig http:///forum/post/3098293
240 8x2x2....Which one are you referring? No Queens, the only royalty I have are an Emperor and a King....Guessing you are referring to the Passer/King Angel..
I knew the emp. I thought the king was a queen or blue. i should have known from the last Avatar you had displayed. I apologize. Still a gorgeous fish.
Originally Posted by crypt keeper http:///forum/post/3098300
I knew the emp. I thought the king was a queen or blue. i should have known from the last Avatar you had displayed. I apologize. Still a gorgeous fish.
In that picture, I can see how you came up with that at first glance.
I love the Passer/King, probably my most personable fish, they have the reputation as being very aggressive even by Angel standards. There was a lfs in S. Carolina that had a show tank that had a 8 inch Passer and an 8 inch Clown Trigger, the Passer bullied the CT. They are not very common, but one of the online dealers has them in stock almost all the time.
Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish http:///forum/post/3098490
so many angels!!
Love Angels...Seems to be a misconception that Angels don't do well together, go to that "other big message board", and you will see many people with multiple Angels. As long as you have a little experience and a large enough tank, it can work nicely.
Originally Posted by SHainline http:///forum/post/3098645
Your tank is AWESOME! How old is your tank?? What kind of substrate are you using?
Thanks....18 months now....A combination of crushed coral and fairly coarse aragonite, nothing too fine as I don't have a clean up crew and have to be able to "vacuum" the substrate.
I love love love love love love love your tank! I love all the fish and how you have your aquascaping What's your favorite fish you have? How many fish do you have? I have a 200 gallon but it doesn't even compare to yours I don't know much about angels, never had any-is it normal to have that many in a tank? You'r tank is gorgeous!!
Originally Posted by lietz06 http:///forum/post/3098982
I love love love love love love love your tank! I love all the fish and how you have your aquascaping What's your favorite fish you have? How many fish do you have? I have a 200 gallon but it doesn't even compare to yours I don't know much about angels, never had any-is it normal to have that many in a tank? You'r tank is gorgeous!!
Thank you! I have 11 fish total, I guess I could break it down as such, I have 4 fish that will likely get very large-Sohal, Emperor, Passer, and Niger...4 Moderately large fish-Tusk, Wrasse, Asfur, Sargassum...The 2 Dwarf Angels, and then the Eel. I am pretty heavily stocked, I already have spouseal approval for 670 gallons of fun when we build a new home in 2-3 years. We closed on the lot yesterday.
Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/post/3098992
Sohal is getting really impressive quickly. Like the new 3 island design. Love the 'money maker' third pic..
Yeah the Sohal is growing really fast! I really like how I have the rocks now.
Haha, yeah I won a T-shirt and a discount I already got for the pic of the wrasse.
Thanks for your help and advice on the "softy corals" Shawn.
NP problem. I just think that, not that's there's anything wrong with a true fo/fowlr, but they really just add that extra bit to the tank.
Any chances of a good new pic/vid of the eel? Love to see him.