a few Q's on seahorses


I've been told seahorses shouldn't be housed with fast and agressive fish.. well, that seems sort of obvious. Anyways,
1.) What would be some good tank mates?
I also read that you could have 2 or 3 for every 10 gallons. I have a 29 gallon tank and I wanted to get 2 couples.
2.) How many seahorses would be good for this size tank?
3.) Do they need any more in thier diet then live brine shrimp that are, umm, ehanced in nutrition from a formula?
Okay, I'm new at this... I think that's pretty obvious. Thanks for any answers I get, I really appreaciate any help.
I have only read about seahorses so far...no experience with them and don't plan any. Literature says they are very hard to keep alive, can't find any site that will offer guarantee even for 6 days. They are not agressive and will not get food if there are other inhabitants in the tank. They are beautiful to watch at the aquarium, but I don't want to kill one at any expense, and I fear that is exactly what would happen.


I wouldn't buy them unless I was sure I could keep them alive... which is why I'm researching them. It's gonna be a long time before I actually decide to get them. <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />


Active Member
the only one i can answer, is compatibility, an di would have ot say pipe fish, but he other questions ai cnnot help with, i feel like heavenly damsel,
maybe sammystingray will see this and help, i think he has horses, and i am sure some other members do, but i am positive there are not many of them on the board


I don't own any, but I have read a little about them. Check out <a href="http://www.seahorse.org/" target="_blank">http://www.seahorse.org/</a> there is a lot of good info on their site.

sinner's girl

Go to the site posted above. It will answer all your questions


I don't have the url, but for some summary level information (that will answer your questions) look up "Ocean Rider sea horses".