A few shots from both tanks


Active Member
Very nice shots, Mark! I really like the first one (A. Valida?) and #4
I think that's an A. Nobilis. I think I also have the same thing.
BTW- Mark, I got your email. I'm not exactly sure about the time, so that's why I didn't reply yet. When I find out an exact time, I'll email you back :)
Take Care,


Active Member
Steven the Fish, melissa v.,
Thank you very much!:)
Thank you! Yep, #5 is Stylophora. It is is more maroon than pink because I have it very low in my tank.
Thank you as always! They definitely look similar! I am pretty sure mine is Acropora Nobilis (as Graham said) and yours may be as well!
Thank you very much! #1 is Acropora Hyacinthus (it is a table acro)
Thank you! #4 is Blastumosa Welsi (spelling?)


Not to be difficult but...
Why don't people post the names of things with the pics for us coral challanged people? :(
It would help me a bunch.
Thanks in advance ;)


Active Member
Sorry about that - I normally label everything but was in a hurry because of dinner. I went back an labeled them!:) HTH


Active Member
Thank you very much!
In my 30 gal LPS & Soft Coral tank for filtration I run a Penguin 125 Biowheel filter (for carbon & mechanical filtration), A Prizm Skimmer, 40lbs of Live sand & 60lbs of LR. For lighting I run a JBJ 260w Power Compact (2- 10000K & 2- 7100K Actenics)
For my 55gallon SPS tank I have 90+ lbs of LR 80 lbs of LS. I run a Fluval 204 Multistage Filter (for mecanical & to run carbon) I have twenty gallon refugium with macro algae, live sand & LR). As far as lighting I run an Icecap PFO hood with 2- 250w MH 10K Ushios running on a standard PFO ballast and 2-110w URI VHO Super Actenics running on an Icecap 660 ballast.