A few Sunday night pics


I bought this brain coral today for $15. He just went through an iodine treatment, so I'm hoping he'll come around. I also bought this torch, but the guy at the lfs told me it was frogspawn. :notsure:



Active Member
Very cool pics Dory, your tank is really coming along. Im so impressed!!!
I love your Torch and your brain looks really good. Actually they all do!! Way to Go!!!!!!!!! :jumping: :jumping:
Just one thing though, why dont you get a chromis or 2


Okay, Todd. I'm running out right now to get two more!!!

Thanks for the compliments everyone! :yes:


Dory what kinds of lights do you have? Is your torch coral hard to take care of? I am wanting one because of my percs. I am hoping that they will host in it since I took their anemone back to the LFS...they seem very lost. I know they will adapt however I just don't like seeing them sulk.lol


The clearish green fish are chromis. They're probably the cheapest saltwater fish you can buy and one of the hardiest. They're part of the damsel family, but they're very sweet and they like to school. :D
Hey, Itchy! Sorry to hear about your anemone, but you know, if they don't behave themselves, it's back to the store they go! I've had my torch for about a year and I started off with it in a Nano Cube with very little lighting. Right now I have PC lights and also MH. I only run my MH from 4-9 pm and my torch has had no problems. What kind of lighting do you have?


Hey Dory, I have 440 watts of PC on a 75 gallon. I want to add a MH but hell I don't have room with the 2 PC. Tanks looks great. My clowns are recovering from losing their anemone. They have decided to host in my bubble coral....so now I am having to keep an eye on it and make sure they don't aggitate it to much. So far so good.