a few tips/reminders


sinner's girl

last week i though we were going to lose our fish. we got home, turned on the lights and the little clown was swimming up side down, on its side, running into the glass, wouldn't eat. Didn't think he'd make it through the night.
I did a water test, nitrates were 160ish (blood red). i freaked. couldn't do a water change b/c didn't have enough salt and of course it the lfs was closed.
what i learned: make sure you have enough of everything you need (funny part is we had gone to buy salt...but forgot it). Don't wait till your low to buy more.
test kits can be wrong (they don't last forever), have lfs test water sample. after we did a water change i tested again, nitrates were over 180. we then ran to ***** an hour + away and had them test the water, nitrates were close to zero.
If the room is dark, and has been dark don't turn on the lights if the fish aren't expecting it!!!
I was worried over nothing.
I really don't think you worried for nothing. It was the worry that caused you to look for the answer to what was wrong with your fish. If one of my fish were doing what you described, I would do the same. :)


I was leaving for a fishing trip early Friday, and thought I would check on my fish before leaving so I turned on the lights. This was at 1:30 A.M. I normally turn take lights on at 8 in the morning. My fairy wrasse, maroon, and tang looked really strange. Wrasse colors didn't look good, maroon was covered in sand, thought it was ich, same with the Tang. I worried all day that when I came home all fish would be dead. Got home at 6 that evening and all looked normal. I think I startled them when I turned the lights on they where sleeping at the bottom near the sand.

sinner's girl

Glad nothing was wrong with your fish Stacy, or mine. Guess it's just like if you were to turn the light on me while I'm asleep and try to wake me up...Do you have a timer? if not you might want to get one, that way the lights will turn on without you being there.
steamboat~ i guess your right, since I did learn something I didn't worry for nothing. But me worring about the fish is not fun (ask sinner...)