A few updated pictures...


Heres the link for some new pictures I took last night. Check out the folder called "Updated tank pics 9-5-02". Let me know what ya think.
My pictures
Also I thought Id give a plug for a product Ive been using lately. I highly recommend AragaMilk by CaribSea. I have noticed significant coralline algae growth in just 5 days of use. I have always had calcium levels over 350, but the coralline has taken off since I started using it. My calcium level has also went up to 400-450, which seemed hard to achieve with just calcium addition.


very nice pics! that frogspawn is HUGE! does it get along well with your bubble? it looks like they could almost shake hands ;)
can't wait for more!


Hes been doing great since I got him from my LFS. Him and the Bubble seem to get along OK. I do plan on a small re-arrange soon because Ive got two Montiporas on the way. I cant wait for those. I will say that the Frogspawn loves intense light. I think thats a big factor of his size as well.

nm reef

Active Member
Very nice looking system....I especially like the maxima & monti. Both are on my list of future additions.....after a lighting up-grade. Thanks for the peek and continuied good reefing.:cool:
Just a question for you Mini-Reefer how do you like your 72 oceanic? I have an oceanic as you can see in my profile and it is being setup on the 11th just wondering how you like yours.


I love Oceanic tanks personally. The only draw-back to mine is it only has one door in the stand. Your 175 has double doors which you will find to be very useful. Thats why my sump and refugium are plumbed outside of the stand because I couldnt get the volumes of water I wanted to fit neatly and cleanly in the stand.
That Cabbage is pretty big. There is also a piece on the left side that fell off and I attached it to another piece of live rock. It looks to be growing even quicker than the original colony.
Im kinda on a "hobby high" right now. I planned for sometime on this system and all equipment needed for the set-up I wanted, and now, everything is kinda falling into place. My Tangs couldnt be fatter and more colorful, the corals all have taken off under the new halide lamps I recently installed, and now the coralline is looking great. I also recently got 15-20 lbs of Marshall Island live rock that Im curing. Its got awesome orange, red, pink and purple corallines that will hopefully add to the growth I have now.
The only drawback to all this is Im running out of room to put corals. :D Eventually the entire top will be all SPS's. As I get more the softies are gonna start being moved to my original 34 gallon, then maybe a bigger reef....;)
Thanks mini-reefer. Your tanks look great I hope mine turn out as well as yours. I am putting alot into this but in the end will be all worth it. I am using cad software to work up plans for my house when i buy it and get some money saved up to build my own tank, lots of research and will probully buy a few more tanks before i build mine i want at least five years of research and design before i finally build it. Revised it five times already but i am researching materials right now want strong materials.


Active Member
wow mini, great pics. very nice stuff. I just got an orange encrusting montipora the ther day and it is just oding magnificent. it is the coolest color too cause its bright orange!very nice shots, keep em coming
good luck


Thanks for all the kind words! I found out today that my LFS got in three SPS's for me that Ive been trying to get. So between the 2 Montiporas due here any day and the three Acros Ill be adding 5 more stonies in the next few days.:D This hobby kicks arse!