A fisherman and his lure.


That angler is ssssoooo tiny! The detail on your first picture lead me to believe he was bigger. The picture with your finger really put his size into perspective.
Love all your pics on this site. You are a talented photographer.


Active Member
This guy is really too small. I have my odds stacked against me with this one. I consider myself pretty skilled at converting fish to frozen because I've dealt with seahorses for 10 years. The local ghost shrimp are too big and I'm not sure guppies will do the trick. Most of them are too big as well.

The arrow is pointing to him in the 3g pico. That's my alarm clock to the right. He's smaaaaaaall. But my volitan was this size too and we got him through.... we'll see.
Thanks for the compliment BTW.


That is one TINY fish! Good luck, they're both very cute.

salt nate

There's that finger again!!! Has it made any money lately?
Oh, and bring me that mantis on your avatar....I want to introduce him to my Fish net handle!


Active Member
He'd grab your net handle and beat you back. He's full grown and bigger than my schnauzer.
Unfortunately, the finger doesn't make me any money... but it likes to enter my credit card number online to buy stuff!


Active Member
I probably won't get a decent pic until he moves out of this tank. The curve on the glass just skews everything. I now remember why I had it turn back around to the flat back the last time it was in use.
But here's grumpy pictus.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt nate
ha ha!
Theres something I like about you cran...even though we had our little love/hate spat!
LOL...I was over it as soon as you said "oops".
The blue was originally very pale and perked up as he got comfortable. I really like him. He is cool to watch.

salt nate

I know you were over it cran....but all of those mean looks ( < < ) you gave me, really seared a scar into my soul.


What kind of frogfish (black w/ yellow dots) is that and can u feed him live marine fish or are they too fast for him?
Max size?


Active Member
He's an juvie A. pictus and will change his appearance over time.... that is his baby colours. His colouring is very indicidive of being a pictus, but he's not the only one that can look like that. His lure and spots on his tail is what IDs him. If he had a different arrangement of spots on his tail he could have been a maculatus (warty)... either would have been cool because they are a similar adult size with the same basic needs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt nate
I know you were over it cran....but all of those mean looks ( < < ) you gave me, really seared a scar into my soul.

This is the look that would sear your soul. True pic. My eyes. A Doc took a pic of it. Spontaneous pupil dilation... LOL. The peeps at work were like "EWWWWW! Don't look at me!".


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
This is the look that would sear your soul. True pic. My eyes. A Doc took a pic of it. Spontaneous pupil dilation... LOL. The peeps at work were like "EWWWWW! Don't look at me!".

Are you turning into a zombie? That's how it would happen in the movies.

Amazing fish, BTW.