A fishy question

the dude

New Member
Just wondering what all y'all think bout keeping a humu humu and rectangular trigger along with a panther grouper in a 90 fowlr?
Thanks for any help
The Dude


Should be no problem.....you need good filtering & bio, though as tey are MESSY eaters. We have a humu (picasso) with a niger & a marine betta in a 180 FO w/LR. Keep plenty of hiding places & be sure the grouper eats because the triggers are real fast & go into a feeding frenzy!
Good luck!


COOL!!!!!! Sounds great. No probs that
I can see. Hey this is the first time I've heard of anyone here who know's what I'm talking about when I say there are two kinds of Humuhumu triggers, Picasso and rectangular, rectangles are really cool fish! And so are panthers and picassos. Nice aggresive tank w/ pleantly of room. I envy you...

the dude

New Member
Veskas and fishgirl -
Thanks for your input. I think is i what i'm gonna do. Would you guys reccommend any kind of live food for the triggers?
Fishgirl - i love rectangular triggers (and picassos). These were the 2 most abundant triggers when i went swimming in hawii - thats what turned me on to saltwater fish-i think triggers are the coolest-glad someone else thinks so to


Awesome!! I'm going snorkeling in hawaii in less than 3wks!! and I plan to see three of my fav fish : picasso triggers, rectangular triggers, and Yellow Tangs! woooohhooo! all three have GREAT personalities.


New Member
I would just feed a good frozen food like "Prime Reef". If you feed live food it can cause triggers to consider tankmates as a snack when you are not looking!!!!