a frustrating day


Well-Known Member
Not many tangs will work in a 65, maybe a yellow eye Kole tang.
Tangs have their own issues. They are prone to parisites. Most think of ich which they get easily and as I have recently found ou they are also prone to turbellarian flat worms. My yellow has a nice case at the moment. Fortunately he's was in quarantine at the time it showed up so none of my other fish were exposed. You should always quarantine any new fish for 30 days before adding to your tank to prevent a disease getting into the tank and killing all your fish.


Well-Known Member
Lol just had this convo last nt w the lfs owner. He hates tangs, would take an angel anytime. Myself I love tangs. I never wanted one due to ich!!. All you hear are tangs and ich. Well I had an ich outbreak from snails!!!!! So my display was emptied and fish qt. After 2 months, I added my shrimp back, a wk later my wife surprised me w a yellow tang!!!! Long story short never had an issue w it or ich. Even in a tank that did at one time have it. Now its huge lol, gets along great w my naso. One word of caution if u want a tang add it towards the end bc they can get territorial. Yellow and kole especially in my experience. The naso family of tangs less so, but u need a large tank for those guys. I do have a cb angel tho so I do like angels too