a good fish to add for algae?


what would be a good fish to add along with the clean up crew? i am starting to see hair algae all over my glass.
its a 100g and i am going to make it a reef tank


Lawnmower blenny is number one from what I understand BUT I have a bicolor blenny who is nipping at algae all day long-


Active Member
foxface is a good idea for a 100 gal. plenty of room for him to swim, and imo, looks better than the lawnmower blenny.


Active Member
LM blenny he will clean the algae out in a coulple of days. I have one. He is also funny to watch eat.


Active Member
Originally Posted by apolyom
thanks i hope my lfs has a LMB in when i go down, if not i heard tangs eat algae is this true?
Not necessarily. Not all herbivores will eat nuisance algae in tanks. I wouldn't count on any fish to get rid of your algae problem. Nuisance algaes have a root cause. Address that and you take care of the problem. Hair algae is most often caused by excess nutrients in the water. Look at how much you're feeding the tank. Do you skim? What kind of lights and when is the last time the bulbs were changed. Check your phosphate levels too.
FWIW, I've had foxfaces that won't touch hair algae. Also kept a lawnmower blenny that wouldn't eat it either. Tangs may or may not pick at it.


i know what the root of the prob is......... i need a water change which is going to have to wait until tuesday (pay day) also the only time i'll get to get down to LFS.
if my LFS doesnt have a LMB or any algae eaters whats the best way to rid the tank of it?
no i dont skim i'm still waiting on my sump so i can get it all set up


Before you get Sea Hare, make sure you don't want a Copperband Butterfly. I had 2 Big ones(sea hare), and my butterfly killed both of them.


Originally Posted by NEreef
aren't nudibranches seahares? if so, they are sold here.
yeah they call them lettuce nudibranches