:happyfish There are so many great personality fish to chose from. I've had many of them and these I would recommend for their personality. Blue hippo tang, commicle and annimated. Lawnmower blenny, sweet and rests on your hand when feeding. Lionfish are great for their antics,and never being scared. Seahorses are funny. Large female Maroon clowns will spit rocks at the glass, and nest, but are nasty.
Overall, I would say the blue tang is my favorite though. They really are like the blue tang in finding nemo. They can be hard to aclimate though. I bought mine when it was tiny tiny the size of a 5 cent piece I kid you not. Now he's about halfway to full grown, and it's been fun seeing him grow up.
Oh, and blue tangs get pretty big full grown, I think about a foot or a little less.