A good personality fish?


:happyfish There are so many great personality fish to chose from. I've had many of them and these I would recommend for their personality. Blue hippo tang, commicle and annimated. Lawnmower blenny, sweet and rests on your hand when feeding. Lionfish are great for their antics,and never being scared. Seahorses are funny. Large female Maroon clowns will spit rocks at the glass, and nest, but are nasty.
Overall, I would say the blue tang is my favorite though. They really are like the blue tang in finding nemo. They can be hard to aclimate though. I bought mine when it was tiny tiny the size of a 5 cent piece I kid you not. Now he's about halfway to full grown, and it's been fun seeing him grow up.
Oh, and blue tangs get pretty big full grown, I think about a foot or a little less.



Originally posted by alison
:happyfish There are so many great personality fish to chose from. I've had many of them and these I would recommend for their personality. Blue hippo tang, commicle and annimated. Lawnmower blenny, sweet and rests on your hand when feeding. Lionfish are great for their antics,and never being scared. Seahorses are funny. Large female Maroon clowns will spit rocks at the glass, and nest, but are nasty.
Overall, I would say the blue tang is my favorite though. They really are like the blue tang in finding nemo. They can be hard to aclimate though. I bought mine when it was tiny tiny the size of a 5 cent piece I kid you not. Now he's about halfway to full grown, and it's been fun seeing him grow up.

will a lionfish kill a blue tang?



Originally posted by lionfish28
will a lionfish kill a blue tang?

if it were a large lion and a very small hippo tang. if the lion can fit it in its mouth then it will eat it.


Kole Tangs (They are funny to watch zip around the tank, Also they will keep your liverock clean as they are constantly niping at it.)



Originally posted by DevilBoy
since we are on this subject, what would be a good fish to add to a 46 gallon tank ?

A LMB if the tank is established. Dwarf angel, cardinal, clowns and gobies.


I'll put in a good word for a Naso Tang. They get big and will require a huge tank, but the one I have is the friendliest fish. He basically follows me around when I'm near the tank. When I go to feed him, he acts like a dog, gets all excited wagging his body. If I put my face right against the tank he gets right in front of me and doesn't get scared off.
Once again Naso Tangs will need a big tank, but are very friendly.



Originally posted by DevilBoy
i already have 2 ocellaris' and the LMB is out since i dont have a hair algae problem at the moment and he would probably starve.

They eat other algaes including dried macros. As long as the tank has LR and is established a LMB should be fine.


I think harlequin tusk has a great personality, too. Mine was not afraid of humans. He even let me pet him while I was cleaning the tank. I'm sure this is not always the case for all harlequins. Sadly, he died from a bacterial infection last month. Besides harlequin, from my experience, puffers, boxfish, and triggers all have good personalities.


My Humu Trigger is like a dog. At night when hes decided I didnt give him enough food he bites the tank and I can hear it 3 rooms away! He follows me around and his eyes are incredible. Im sure lots of triggers are similar but this guy gets my vote!


Beautiful looking Humu!
DevilBoy, you can get a LMB even if you don't have a hair algae problem. Just clip some seaweed selects or nori sheets for him to munch on throughout the day. Mine also eats pellets, etc, at feeding time, and is very plump.