A good schooling fish?



What would be a good schooling fish for a 180gal Reef tank? Other tank mates are as follows...
1 Powder Blue Tang 4"
1 Blue Hippo Tang 3"
1 Yellow Tang 3"
1 Lawn Mower Blenny
1 Blue Throat Triger 4"
1 Clown 3"
1 Six Line Wrasse 2"
1 Anthis 3"


Active Member
Best schoolers are Golden Jacks, but they get tooooooo big. You could go with some Schooling Bannerfish or Chromis if your Bluethroat is peacefull.


Active Member
I personally like blue green chromis. It's a bit of luck to get ones that make it. As damsels they should be hardy but I've had both good and luck with them.


Blue green chromis are the way to go. When they get a good size they look amazing, they lfs in my area has about 7-8 of them in a 215 gallon reef setup. i will post the pic from there site. I really like the chromis the change colors when they move and always draw attention. Check out the pic, i hope it works im new at this forum stuff lol. Here you go...


lubbocks fairy wrasse's school with chromis and do well in groups. i would lookin into mixing the two.


Active Member
Not trying to be a smart- or anything, but shoal is actually a school of fish without synchronized swimming. For example, chromis and anthias are shoal fish. Golden jacks are schooling fish because they have synchronized swimming (also think of sardines). Just some good info to know. :)