A Good Website


I'm researching info for starting a coral tank (my 1st salt water tank) and im looking for a good website on coral inverts and compatible fish etc.... Ive been into african cichlids for a few years and figured w/saltwater there would be a lot more info online if there is I havent found it. Or just havnt looked hard enough...If you know of a good site please toss it my way


Active Member
hmmm i think the best thing is to just go to google.co.uk and type in what you are after, that way you can come across some great sites. They are out there :)


Active Member
I'd also search the different forums here .... also ask your questions here and you'll get a lot of feedback as well!!!


thanks for replys ....I have been searching but I havnt found any really good ones. I'm trying to find a good site on invert coral etc. I've found some really good sites on saltwater fish but nothing on coral and inverts....so any way if you do know of a good site let me know


Active Member
Try searching this board for 'COTW' (coral of the week - in reef forum), its a series we used to run and it had some great in depth material on corals.
Good luck,

nm reef

Active Member
Great to see another reefer...even better to see one that "wants" to research prior to adding corals!!! Check this link out....it has a listing of numerous corals and can get you started in the right direction.
Plus do ask specific questions here(or in the reef forum) when ya feel the need...best of luck developing your new system!
Coral Index
Before I forget.......Welcome to the board!
Daniel Welcome to the wonderful world of salt!! I myself used to breed daffodil brichardi (ciclids) which helped pay for alot of my first saltwater tank - fish only. My advice, use these boards, ask alot of questions and by all means get more than one opinion. Some stores will tell you anything to make a sale. Thats why these boards work so well, theres alot of true experience here and just when you think you've learned enough, believe me you will learn more. And by all means don't give up it things don't go well at first, the rewards always outweight the losses. Good Luck!! and have FUN!!:D


Hey thanks for the info...I havn't checked out the sites yet thought i'd say thanks first...seems like this forum is going to be as good as the ones i've used for cichlid....well once again thanks


NM REEF the pic page was perfect now I can search for articles by name for the coral im interested in
javatech thanks for the tank setup info
well now for the hard part decide what coral i want and get my tank ready for it