a great morning!!


My wife woke me this morning with words I thought I'd never hear, "Your clownfish is in the Flower pot! " The wait is over after 6 months of hoping my tank raised false percs decided to host in my flower pot coral. Now I just hope they don't hurt it!!!


nano reefer

Active Member
Probably going to die. They are very fragile corals, that dont like hosting clownfish. I had a torch coral, which is more durable, that died from my clowns.


I had a pair of Oscelleris Clowns that decided to host mine, and it wasn't too long after that mine died.


i have a flower pot and its about the size of a foot ball and i put it in my tank and my tomato clown hosted it about a week after i put the coral in the tank. and he has been hosting it for about 2 months now and its doin great.


I had a purple gonipora that was amazing. I loved watching it bounce around. Then, the clown hosted it. All that is left is a skeleton.


the flower pot coral is a very delicate coral and very hard to keep alive for a good period of time with out something bothering its tissue i would think of moving the fish or the coral for the health of the coral. Sorry for the bad post but i just think it is a bad match