a little help plz


New Member
hi guys i am 3 months in to this hobby, and i am loveing every day of it. when i started out i was using one of my lfs for all my info but, that was a bad idea because he sold me cc and stuff. o well anyways i found a new lfs and they helped me changed to sand and life is good not. right now i have a 29g tank with 20lb of lr a bio 280 bio wheel and a heater(forgot which one) 1tomato clown, 1Domino Damsel, and 5 turbo snails . i dont have any powerheads or protein skimer or sump i was wondering if my filtration is good enough and if not what else do i need. o and i am a little low on chash right now so nothing that cost to much lol


Welcome to the boards!!! We are happy that you came here! First, nothing in this hobby is cheap. Do you have a liquid master test kit yet? If not then you need one. You also need at least one powerhead. You can get away without a skimmer for a few more months. Your domino damsel is one of the meanest breeds of damselfish. You may want to take him back. You are limited on space with your tank. Please be patient and only get fish that you REALY want/like/are suitable for your setup. Ask any and all questions that you may have.


New Member
i have a liquid master teast kit and every thing is at 0. what is a good protein skimer and power head should i get. i would like to buy that atuff befor i get any more fish


Active Member
cpr bak-pak you should always go bigger on equipment because of future upgrades for i:e get a skimmer for a 75-100 gal. tank even though you have a large nano tank this will save you money in the long run, you want a bigger heater same reason,and you asked something else i'll post this and answer the other to the best of my ability dang short term memory


Active Member
powerheads are you going fish only or eventually going reef? if it iss a reef set-up 2 maxi-jet 1200's should do the trick that will give you 590 gph turnover rate and if it is fish only 1 will do fine


Active Member
You have come to the right place..This is a fast moving board and there are tons of helpful ppl here..Welcome