A little help


Hi I have a 55 gallon tank I have used it for freshwater but want to go salt. It has not been set up in a long time so I will need to start over. Can some one point me in the direction of what I need to buy and about how much money to get started. I dont wnat anything super fancy just a nice CLEAN tank and a few fish. Any comments would be helpfull thanks again!!


Active Member
sw tanks dont have to be super expencive or fancy if you have a descent hang on back type filter that can also work just as well as alot of the more expencive types.
list of what have to haves
filter system of some type one at each end of the tank is best for hang on type filteration same types used for fresh water
heaters (submersables are best)at least one
lights florescent any wattage at all for non reef tanks'
a good powerhead will also be very helpful to keep a good water flow
crushed coral or sand substrate can also be beneficial for aiding in filtration
live rock is also.
my first tanks equipment was 2 aquaclear 300's (now known as 70')
2 200 watt submersable heaters one at each end
1 aquaclear powerhead a big one cant remeber the number of it but they dont make it anymore
3 24 in 18 w florescent lights
skilter skimer that I used for the 1st month then removed it.
this was and is an agressive tank I used all of the above equipment for 3 1/2 yrs with no problems and no water quality issues
this btw is a 6 ft tank
hope this helps a little


Yes it did help!!! I got a little worried when reading about reef setups. But I think ill just go fish and live rock for now. So besides needing to read more into this. I need a skimmer ,heater,powerhead and filter? Equipment is what im worried about I dont want to buy anything thats cheap. But I dont want to buy anything that i will have to borrow from my 401k just to afford!!
thanks again


Active Member
well 3 1/2 yrs went by and my not super expensive aquaclears do still work quite well I upgraded my lights and my filter system to wet dry and pcs spent a fortune on both and with the wet dry its alot more work keeping the water level just right in my tank.skimmers most will say are a must .for a reef I totally agree but for a fish with live rock tank as long as you do regular water changes I do mine weekly its not going to harm your fish not having one.personaly I prefer aquaclear over penguins and whispers Ive used all 3 and the aquaclear got my vote for long term work performance.for your size tank you could even do one filter id go 110 better water flow and its made for a 100 tank so you know it will handle your bioload.you may spend up to 80 bucks depending on your suppliers prices.they do tend to be much cheeper online but dont forget to add shipping cost to get your final pricing.btw almost all the fish I started with lasted over 3 yrs.and my fish eat like pigs 2 times a day in that tank


Active Member
"A Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Fenner would be a great initial investment. The book does a great job of listing the different ways to set up tanks, good/bad for each, etc.


go to dr forster and smith .com everything u want or need super cheap u can get the biggest biowheel for 30 witch is great with a canister filter a fluval404 is 90 its 140 in store get a ph for 20seaclone skimmer 80 livesand 30abag20pounds sallt super cheap you dont need uv but there good in future u can get a hood for 30 light for50 heater for 20 i started with canister ,biowheel powerhead heater onelight livesand some liverock istarted like that about 150-200 to start year later i added on alot more but thats up to u go look at wet drys there simple to make i make them out of 10 gallon tanks with pump u can make it for under 50 unless you go reef then nothing is cheap start with basics bio wheels are great with a canister filter lol


Active Member
tjake68, please don't advertise for competitors. The "drs" aren't nice enough to sponsor this forum.
I don't know how much you think you save, but the money, time, and frustration that this forum has saved me from is well worth buying all of my products possible from Saltwaterfish.


What kind of life can I put in a tank with just florescent lighting I want more than just a fish or two.. Plants,sponges,anemones will these all servive with out the real exspensive lighting. Also I have a (hang on Magnum canister filter) will this work for saltwater or go ahead and buy something new???
You guys have really helped out thanks!!!


Active Member
this is a very good web site also hosted by marine expert robert fenner also as journyman suggested his book a very good reading will change your whole outlook on this hobby.http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/index.htm. this will help you get a good idea of what is needed for the inhabitants you want to keep save this link in your favs youll be wanting to go to it alot