A lot of hair algy, is that ok?


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/389372/a-lot-of-hair-algy-is-that-ok#post_3441463
IMO, alkalinity doesn't have much to do with hair algae....
Here you go:
Thanks for that, a lot of good info SnakeBlitz.
And thanks to everyone else who has been giving me some info on the topic. I have to say I belong to a BMW forum and a computer nerd progamming site (XDA) and you guys are by far the nicest and most helpful. Thanks again


Originally Posted by floods7 http:///t/389372/a-lot-of-hair-algy-is-that-ok#post_3441600
I have some Omega One Frozen Mysis Shrimp. Looks about the size of a sugar cube, maybe a little bigger. So 1/4 every other day? that all they need is 1/4 every other day? Doesnt seem like enough to me.
Yup, that's enough. If they can eat ALL of that in a 5 minute period, you can add a little more. You don't have that many fish. I'd start with 1/4 every other day and you can slowly increase the amount. You can thaw an entire cube at once and keep it in your fridge.


I just want to make sure I got this correct. Do I have to thaw it? I usually just cut a frozen piece off (about a 1/4) and toss it in the tank and it slowly breaks apart and the fish eat it.


You should be thawing it and rinsing it before putting it in the tank. I rinse mine in plain tap water, or Brita filtered water if it's made, some people use RO water. This will help lower phosphates which are in all fish food. By thawing it, your fish will get more out of it, rather than it just sitting there.