A love story


I recently placed an orange back basslet and 4 line wrasse into my tank whereupon the fish from the dark side (a red tailed pseudo) immediately went to work on both of them. I spent most of the evening removing the evil culprit and finally got him into quarantine. I posted that I was going to flush him down the toilet here on this site and immediately took the abuse that I deserved. The little bugger is back at the LFS.
Ahh but I digress.
The love story. The basslet was beyond saving, but the wrasse acquired the most unlikely of allies....my sailfin blenny seemed to actually protect this little lady through her turmoil and times of tribulation.
The wrasse is now fully recovered and whimsically bounces around the tank playing peek a boo in every nook and cranny....ahh but when the lights go dim? Everybody sceddadles to their favorite hiding place and the blenny and wrasse are inseparable. I even move the rocks around a bit and the two just won't "sleep" with anybody else. Now that is loyalty.
So to all of you experts out there. What will the children look like?


bump: I get a little tired of people talking lighting, water quality, technologies....damn sometimes I just want to enjoy my animals.


That is cool and good luck with the clowns.
Another tale of tankmates.
I don't remember the species now (it was long ago), but it was some kind of expensive shrimp. I placed him into my tank and immediately the porcupine puffer made lunch of his right claw....the shrimp bolted straight for the snowflake eel's lair only to be rudely greeted there as well. Dummy me, what was I thinking putting a crustacean in with two well known predators? In any case I was able to extract him within a few minutes and the next day I took him to work where I had a docile 15 gal hex setup in my cubicle. The entire team took a liking to the little guy, and based upon his story they named him "Yummy"...even went as far as writing poems about him..."Ode to YUMMY" amd other litererary delights. One week when I was on a business trip I got a call from one of the team members. He said Yummy had died and that the entire team was totally bummed. I of course asked if anything (anybody? since they all had names) else had died and he said no. The next day I got another call....Yummy had come miraculously back to life! I couldn't stop laughing...they didn't know about the molting of crustaceans!


Active Member
I just got my yellow tang, coral beauty and sixline wrasse back into the 135 display (from the h tank) a little over a week ago. Three days ago I added a a new naso and tomato clown from q to display. I found out yellow tangs will quickly stake out 135 gallons as their own territory. So the naso kept trying to hide up against the rocks and the tomato clown would go and swim/hover beside it and go after the yellow tang every time he came over to attack. I watched this for a couple hours.....then I had my husband come watch. I couldn't believe the tomato was protecting the naso. The tomato did not go to the bta until we re-arranged the rockwork and the tangs started getting along. I like talking about my livestock sometimes too. :D hmmm...clowns and tangs where have I seen that recently?