a man arrested because of angelfish


New Member
Some guy in Los Angles was caught trying to import Clarion Angelfish. He had 160 of the and I guess the fine is about 1000 to 2000 a fish. Then the genius tried to bribe the arresting officer. I guess the fish retails for up to $2500.00. I know that I have spent a ton of money on fish but I can at least say I have never been arrested for fish


is this recent? I ask beause 8+month ago someone tried doing this same thing (secretly importing clarion-which by the way are found very plentifully in certain areas) and got busted. there are a bunch of photos of 100's of small live clarions in plastic containers floating in this pool. Hopefully what your reading is they finally tried or are not fining this same guy



Originally posted by fishy411
why are they illegal

Mexican state fish, or something like that.


Active Member
I know this is a WAYYYY old thread, but I just wanted to clarify something. I've been doing my research on these Clarion Angels, and they are NOT illegal. They are very rare, because they are only found on islands off the coast of Mexico, WAY off the coast, as much as 750 kilometers. Plus, they're a somewhat deepwater species. The only reason the man was arrested was because he was trying to SMUGGLE clarions into the United States. Smuggling ANYTHING into the United States is illegal. He was also bringing illegal aliens into the country.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tuningvis
what do they look like
The fish in my avatar is a Holacanthus Clarionensis. (Clarion Angelfish)


is he a juvenile and if you want to know what they look like go to google type in clarion angelfish and press images and there you go


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
is he a juvenile and if you want to know what they look like go to google type in clarion angelfish and press images and there you go
Yep, that pic in my avatar is a juvenile. I have a better picture of a Juvenile Clarion in my thread in the Reef Tanks Forum "Angelfish I-Holacanthus" Adults are mainly orange with grey from about their midsection to the rear fin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
and emporer11 is that your clarion angel hes cool
Ha! I wish!! I can't afford one right now. But, someday....they're my favorite fish of all time...


howed he get caught its not like some dog smelled drugs crossing the boarder. did a cop just know he is smuggleing in fish.
how do you tell an inmate you were arrested for smuggleing fish in the country. asuming they send him to jail :hilarious :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer9006
howed he get caught its not like some dog smelled drugs crossing the boarder. did a cop just know he is smuggleing in fish.
how do you tell an inmate you were arrested for smuggleing fish in the country. asuming they send him to jail :hilarious :hilarious
I have no idea. Probably at the Border...the Border Patrol will pull you over and check all your bags. And LOL!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by HaLo_Frk03
wait so theyre not illegal? so how much are they?
No, they're not illegal...the problem is getting your hands on one. They are only found on Clarion Island, Socorro Island, and SOMETIMES Baja California. None of those places are hardly ever visited by fish collectors. I have seen them go as high as 5,000 and as low as 3,500.


Originally Posted by Emperor11
No, they're not illegal...the problem is getting your hands on one. They are only found on Clarion Island, Socorro Island, and SOMETIMES Baja California. None of those places are hardly ever visited by fish collectors. I have seen them go as high as 5,000 and as low as 3,500.
Do you happen to know why collectors dont go to those Islands? Are they uninhabited? Youd think with greed and profiteering these days collectors would be all over those islands as if they were made of gold.