A message from my family to yours...

nm reef

Active Member
...before we catch the turkey and sit down to a meal with our family

my family and I want to send a special Thanksgiving card to each of you...we hope you and your familys enjoy your day!


Happy Thanksgiving to you also! :) Along with the rest of the board. We sure all have alot to be thankful of!


Active Member
Yes thank you very much....we all have many things to be thankful for. Especially to our servicemen
and women who won't be home with their families for the holiday's
thank you to all. You will be in our thoughts.
Happy Thanksgiving!!! :)


Thanks NM and to you and yours:
May the Great Spirit Bless you
with the knowledge of your inner
strength and wisdom.
May you have the strength of eagles' wings,
The faith and courage to fly to new heights,
And the wisdom of the universe
to carry you there.
We can only be what we give
ourselves the power to be.
Thanks to all who's inner spirit has guided you here, to new friends,
new knowledge and a new apprieciation for the beauty of the sea,
and all under the sky.


Active Member
Happy Thanksgiving to all the members and back to you NM. This is the first year that my fiance and I will be hosting....god I hope I don't screw up carving the turkey! I was just online trying to get tips.:D :D Everyone be safe and have fun.:)


Happy Thanksgiving to you also! Along with the rest of the board.
Happy Thanksgiving. Every year my family goes around and tells what they are most thankful of. But, this year, just like last year, my brother is still in Iraq. So, i am thankful, that he, and the rest of out service men have the strenth and courage to defend our rights and belifs for us even when it calls them away from there family and friends.
Gooble, gooble....


Active Member
Thanks NMreef and the same to you.
Happy Thanksgiving to all board members.
Anyone giving any turkey to their triggers? JK


Active Member
Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Now if u'll excuse me I have to go check on my poor defenseless bird. I love that part.