A Message


Staff member
This is a warning to all members of the SWF Forum that inappropriate behavior when posting will not be tolerated. The following are some of the things that have been occurring and need to stop immediately:
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Irrelevant posts in threads. The OP and members want useful advice and they should be given this. Do not post something that is completely off topic and does not pertain to the thread or the conversations that occurred previously.
Not using basic English or grammar. We are not asking for the posts to be perfect, but we want people to be able to understand them without having to decipher the message.
Digging up old threads. If the thread contains information that is useful to other discussions or if you want an update on an active member’s thread, then bump it up. Otherwise, let the thread remain dormant.
Do not retaliate to other people’s threads/postings by posting harsh comments or with threads meant to mock them.
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There are many people that are frustrated, and it is being addressed. If you have any concerns with any comments that are made, please contact an administrator or a moderator. To anyone who chooses not to abide, be advised that action will be taken up to and including being banned from the forum. Please remember this has and will always be a family forum, so act accordingly.


remember the little red flag in the corner of the posts too people :)
I'm assuming mods are looing at it as I've used it twice now when I thought a post was innapropriate.