a mix of stuff for sale


Active Member
all out or fire and ice for now, I have to let the mother colony grow out gain before I can frag that rock again. sorry.


Active Member
I could post pics but everyones frags are in the same two trays so, the potential for some one to think someone elses frags are theirs would lead to dissapointment. you'll just have to be happy knowiing I have them all fragged and they are all open and doing great. maybe this weekend if I have time to sort through them and seperate them I will post pictures of all the frags.


Active Member
lol glad to hear they are doing ok. I relaly dont care and really dont need pictures just being a pain lol


Active Member
Lol. Im Glad They Are Great. Pics Its Ok I Was Playing But If You Want To That Will Be Great. Thanks Again


Active Member
here is a pic of the frags keep in mind these are in the hospital zone, so I had to shoot through curved acrylic to take a picture as you can see none of the frags have only 5 polyps most are 7 plus. I have not labled each frag as so and so gets this one, so dont mentally claim one and you wont be dissapointed. I made a few extras incase one or two dont recover as well as the others but as you can see they looks just fine. in this pic you can see some zombie eyes some blue eyes some fire and ice and some candy apple pinks.



ooooooh exciting!! : ) Lol i just came across your mushroom/blender thread and thuroghly enjoyed it!


Active Member
he said in the begining of the thread and when he message me he will ship the out sept 29. so idk what he told you. and in the begining he also said shipping out last week of sept and begining of that week


Active Member
eh whatever lol I don't really mind either way. i want to make sure they make it safe and sound :D that's all I care about!


Active Member
aww so cute lol. me to but i was just wondering if he did ship it out tomorrow. it will be good. but we have to make sure the corals are healthy and dont have a problem. what frags did you get? i got:
baby blue eyes, zombie eye zoanthids, kryptonite zoanthids, fire and ice zoanthids,


Active Member
thats ok. lol. your not poor. no one is. poor doesnt exist in the usa. i cant wait for the frags. im so excited. and the fire and ice are so amazing