Originally Posted by sw65galma
Yes, and they will be the only fish left after a week.
They will eat ALL of your fish in your tank now...
Hardly. I would be concerned however, with the grouper. It would likely make a snack out of your smaller fish, particularly the clowns and dwarf angels, possibly the anthias. Even the dwarf lion would pose a risk to the small clowns. The trigger is a relatively peaceful species as is the eel you've selected, but they are still predatory fish.
I think you'll have bigger issues with the initial stock list. Your tank is a good sized but it's not huge. Choose one of the large angels. The Koran would be a better choice IMO. Greys are enormous fish as adults and pretty aggressive. I think you'd have a good deal of fighting trying to keep two large angels. Anthias might be happier in a group. One male and seven to eight females makes for a nice display. I would choose one species of clown and then only a pair. Even in big systems, they often don't tolerate each other. If this is to be a FOWLR, I'd suggest one of the hardy butterflies, and perhaps a harem of fairy wrasses. Sometimes mixing community fish with aggressive/predatory species isn't always a good idea. In a closed system, these behaviors are often exaggerated. Personally, I'd skip the second wish list, and simply modify the first one. Include groups of smaller fish to add interest and movement. A group of yellow tail blue damsels, a small group of six line wrasses, some of the peaceful shrimp gobies, etc..