A new annoying tang question


Just go by body shape. If the two tangs have the same body shape they will most likely not get along.


That depends on the size of your tank. If you can accomodate two tangs, then yes, just be sure to add the larger tang last. It also helps if you move a couple of rocks around before you add the second tang.


hey superboy i see you're new i tink a tang is not a good bigginer fish and specialy i wouldn't put one in a 55g tank. they are nice looking but i didn't even put one in my 72g tank. my wife loves them i told her she was getting one as soon as i get my 125g reef going and that is going to be like the only fish in there. just read read and read and read and read. you'll find good info on this site too.


That was a great comment. the rule is for the majority. you have some that will get lucky. i have a 150 now with a blue hepetus tang and a yellow tang. on sunday i will be setting up a 300g. once the water is where i think it should be i will take the yellow and buy a purple and put them in there. or add 4 more yellow to the one i already have a try to school them. if it does not work, i have other tanks i can put them in or trade. i am still trying to find out what 2 angels will work together. i love the larger angels. i have a imperor now and a blue face the would be wonderful together however the imperor will kill the other(much larger in size) SO I MAY FIND A FRENCH for the blue face and try it that way. well see...point is. do some research and if you have the money. hey try it. but use sense...dont put a shark with a demsel LOL :D :D


Active Member
I'd 100% agree with jwttrojan...2 tangs in a small tank would be tight...a 125 sounds good for 2...the bigger the better though!