A new Beginning...

ledzep fan

Active Member
Hey everyone,
Recently, my porcupine puffer and my prized Koran Angel passed away of causes that I am not aware of. They were great fish that will be missed.. Now that this has happened, I have the opportunity to take my tank into a different direction. Ever since I had the two, I was really limited to corals. So, I am now going to turn my FOWLR into a full blown reef tank. The fish remaining in the tank are a yellow tang, Maroon clown, Pinstripe wrasse, and a snowflake eel. The only issue I forsee is the snowflake eel. So he has to go. My plan is to get some little fish and one more tang. I was looking at the different tangs and do not know which to choose. I would like this fish to be the "show" fish of the tank. I was thinking about a Achilles Tang or Purple Tang, except my yellow Tang may pick on him because of similar body shape. If anyone has any ideas of what kind of tang would be well suited for my tank (120 gallon) or what type of reef it should be, please let me know of any ideas you might have. I have Metal Halides running over the tank, so lighting is not an issue.


Active Member
Sounds like you know what you want to do. Just need advice on a show fish. I am not that guy as my show fish is a clarkii clown.
As for what type of reef....you have the lighting to keep all kinds of coral. You could do a mix but if you are patient an all SPS tank is quite stunning.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Thanks for the reply, and I was just brainstorming some ideas on what to do with the tank. As for the show fish, I am not sure. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Active Member
i have a maculiceps tang that is rather interesting. my achilles only lasted 2 weeks.


Active Member
he's quite peaceful and active. as i'm sprinkling food in the water column, he comes and takes it right from my hand.
i have no recent ones, but here's one shortly after i got him-


Active Member
i don't know. this one lives in a 5' 195, and he seems pretty happy. he doesn't pace the tank, like some tangs do. i'd say he'd be alright for a while.