A new movie of my tank


Active Member
I am learning how to use my camcorder and software and put together this movie of my tank complete with soundtrack so turn up your speakers. This one is with the tank lighted so you can see much more. It is around 8 MB is size to keep it descent quality and smaller in size. I'm not sure if it streams or if you have to download it.
I'm just getting started on my corals so I don't have a lot.
Please give me your thoughts and comments and thanks for taking the time to watch!
UPDATE: As interest died down, I had to remove it from my friends site. For those of you that viewed it, I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for the many compliments. Another may be coming soon.


Active Member
AWESOME video tangman,l loved the soundtrack, and the editing.....were those blue ricordia that we saw in there?
very cool indeed!


Active Member
Thanks and you are correct sir. One is a blue ricordia and one is purple and green. One scene is kind of hard to see and that is my serpent start under the rocks if you missed it.
Thanks for the compliments. I made one the other night with infrared in the dark, but it came out too dark and not too good. I think this one is much better.


Active Member
TangMan99, looks cool, and I thought the one the other night was great.....it looked just like you were in an underwater cavern...I could swear it was in the ocean and not a tank.:) I have to feel sorry for dial uppers on this......:D


Active Member
Thank for the replies. Sammy, I thought the other one was pretty cool also but I had to take it down to put this one up so it is gone. I can only host 10 MB from my provider. I'm going to have to get a real webhost one day :rolleyes:
I'll leave this one up as long as it keeps getting some interest and stays on the first couple of page and then I'll have to remove it to make room for other things.
In the mean time, enjoy it!


Active Member
Dang! I did not know I had a bandwidth limit. I just tried it and it worked fine. I wonder if it has problems if accessed by more than one person. I will try and move it to a different location and see if that helps.
Sorry for the problems.


Active Member
Ok, I moved the file to another site. Hopefully it will be fine there. It is a .wmv so you need windows media player.


Active Member
Very Nice Job!!! Disney will have your N!$@ in a vice if they see it though:) (Or hear it that is)
Nice Job!