A newbie needs a hand...


New Member
I have a 55g tank with a mixed substrate of white sand and crushed coral. The only filter I have is a Skilter 250. I use a Marineland heater, a crappy Lee's air operated protein skimmer; an airstrip run along the back and 2 24" Marine-Glo lights.
I have two yellowtail Damsels, one Blue Chromis Damsel, one Bursa Trigger (very young and civil with the Damsels-about 3"), and one Polka dot Grouper ( also very young and cool with the others-3").
My tank is growing quite a bit of brown algae. The fish are eating it and seem totally healthy and happy but I would like to control it. Can you suggest the best way to control it? any method other than cleaning by hand?If not that is fine. Im just curious as to whether this is normal or bad.
The Grouper only eats about once, maybe twice every other day. Normal for a juvenile? What should his rotating diet be? So far he and the Trigger both eat Krill and Freshwater Rosies happilly-the Trigger likes the Rosies more than the Grouper though.
The Trigger goes inside his "sleeping" rock at 8pm every night. Do Triggers usually sleep at a regular interval? What does a Bursa Trigger prefer as a rotating diet?
This is a weird one. The Trigger often swims into the same rock hole that the Grouper resides in and hangs with him. Now this hole is BARELY big enough for the two of them. When they are bothe in it there is no room to move. Do you think they have a love connection going on or what is the deal? Im sure they will not be this agreeable for long. They did wrestle over a Rosie once.
The Grouper (today) has been hanging out on top of the undergravel filter diffuser at the top of the tank. Not sure why, he seems totally normal as far as behavior but I know Groupers don't usually like the top of the tank.
Thank you so much to whoever responds and helps a newbie out. I love my fish and want them to be totally happy.


Active Member
Not sure I can help, but a couple questions.
Brown algae- Is it hair or diatoms?
Have you check your water peramiters? Phosphate and nitrate come to mind as the cause.
CC and "crapy skimmer" could be a cause as well as overfeeding. How big will that grouper get? <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> To control it first find the cause.
What do you use for water?
HTH, post your water tests and we'll help you better.
P.S. welcome to the board. :D


New Member
Thanks for the response.
Here are the results of the water test:
PH= 8.0
Nitrite= 0.8mg/l
Ammonia= 1.5mg/l (this is pretty high huh)
The algae is not hair( unless I wipe it from the glass surface, then it becomes "strand-like" ), it is more of a coating on the CC and rocks. It is covering a piece of Tonga wood quite a bit too. I live in Michigan and just mix my own water from the tap with Instant Ocean salt and Tetra Safe. The sand which I use for my substrate is just "white Marine sand" from PSP.
I am planning to upgrade all of my filtration and water quality keeping components relatively soon. A Wet/Dry Filter, oscillating powerhead and a better protein skimmer for sure. I just hope I can keep all the fish I have now healthy until that time.
The Grouper will supposedly get to about 10 inches which will certainly make me think about offering him to someone with a larger tank unless I get a larger tank myself.
I am on a schedule of about a 10-15% water change every week. Unless I get a high ammonia reading then I do a 20% change. I really doubt that I am over feeding because the Trigger and Grouper make it known when they are hungry, so i feed them and watch to make sure they eat up. I always net out all uneaten flakes or krill too.
I definitely wish I would have come to this message board before I got my setup gathered. Hind site, y'know ...
Thanks again.
On q 5 it says you have an under gravel filter. Under gravel filters are the worst I would just toss the UGF. CC causes nucience algae that might be your problem.


New Member
Im from just south of Flint in Fenton ( Southeast Michigan).
Actually, the UGF is kindof a dummy setup cause I decided at the last minute that I was gonna use sand as my substrate. So the filter is setting below the sand and only has one rise connected to it which has a diffuser in it just for a little more aeration.
Think the new equipment Im planning to get will improve the algae condition?
What would be the best method for getting the CC out ( and optimally the algae deposits too ) without distressing the fish or crashing the bio-filtration?
I really appreciate your assistance.


Welcome to the board! The first thing I would look at is using tap water, have you checked it for phosphates? They are common in tap water and can cause algae blooms. Alot of IFS sell RO water or even mixed sea water, or you can get a RO unit yourself
hope this helps
<img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


New Member
Originally posted by angelgirl:
<strong>Welcome to the board! The first thing I would look at is using tap water, have you checked it for phosphates? They are common in tap water and can cause algae blooms. Alot of IFS sell RO water or even mixed sea water, or you can get a RO unit yourself
hope this helps
<img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>
Thanks, now that Ive done alot of researching online and stuff I now have a much better idea of what I should have done as far as prep for the inhabitants and equipment setup. Im sad to say that it looks as though the Grouper is on his deathbed in a matter of about 20 hours. The Trigger is also hiding in his sleep rock alot more recently. The Damsels of course are as hearty as ever. I will just allow nature to takes its course and keep up my routine that I have thus far, when the fish have gone the way of the Doh Doh(sp?) I will start from scratch with my learnings.
BTW, where would you recommend I order my equipment, substrate and water from when I renovate? I'd like to use a single reputable source for all my needs.


I live in Grand Blanc... Where do you get your supplies and fish ? I havent found a good place in our area , I travel down to Waterford (Moby

) and Pontiac (Aqua Nest)... Would like to find a closer place if you know of one..


New Member
Originally posted by crazyelvis:
<strong>I live in Grand Blanc... Where do you get your supplies and fish ? I havent found a good place in our area , I travel down to Waterford (Moby

) and Pontiac (Aqua Nest)... Would like to find a closer place if you know of one..</strong><hr></blockquote>
Hey, I goto a shop in Flint, its pretty run down looking but it is under new ownership and the guy who runs it is very salt-H2O knowledgeable and he can get anything you want. Its called Neptunes and is on the east side of Fenton rd just between Atherton and Hemphill. He sells RO water and everything else you may want he can order. Hes a good guy.
I just took all my fish to him so that they do not suffer in my tank any longer. I am getting a great Wet/Dry setup with skimmer and doing everything the right way now. Thanks for all your help everyone. This community is great!

salty james

Welcome to the Board. There is alot of good information and people here. Look in the archives
there is some good information to follow.
IMO, the trigger & the grouper are going to present a problem when they get bigger. You will need to get a bigger tank for them.
As with all things, you get what you pay for. The crappy skimmer, and pump would have to go! This is most probably you problem, and the use of tap water that is high in phos.


New Member
Originally posted by salty james:
<strong>Welcome to the Board. There is alot of good information and people here. Look in the archives
there is some good information to follow.
IMO, the trigger & the grouper are going to present a problem when they get bigger. You will need to get a bigger tank for them.
As with all things, you get what you pay for. The crappy skimmer, and pump would have to go! This is most probably you problem, and the use of tap water that is high in phos.
;) </strong><hr></blockquote>
Yes, I took all of the fish back to the store i buy all my equipment from. The Trigger and Grouper were not looking so hot and I couldnt risk their dying. I am starting from scratch, all new Wet/Dry integrated skimmer filtration, RO water, live sand and live rock. i have much more knowledge and understanding now with all the info on this board and the guidance of my local shop owner/enthusiast. The new tank will be setup for damsels, tangs, clowns and anemones. I dont want to overcrowd as the fish get older.
What do people think of assembling my own actual aquarium? I'd like to create my own 100g tank. Is there somewhere I could buy the aquarium framing edges alone to hold the seams tight or what? How or WOULD you do this? Bad idea??... Thanks


Stopped by the store tonight... you were right he is a sharp and friendly guy... Not much stock in the store, but he did fish me some turbos out of his reef tank that weren't for sale... Thanks for alerting me to the store... Tom