a note to djmpj and others too


On another thread you said 'this may sound silly', keep in mind NO question is silly or dumb....if you don't ask, how do you learn? If anyone has asked silly question, heck, down right dumb ones, it's me..lol. That's why the board is here...to help others, and these people have really saved my butt a number of times. No question is a bad question.:D


New Member
thank you! I got nervous when I saw your thread with my name in it and thought Oh No, what did I do wrong on here? Whew. thanks!


DJ, I am so sorry....didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted you to know that the only dumb questions or silly questions are the ones that are not asked. If anyone HAS asked silly questions, it has been me
AND, I started my tank without this site...and it was a disaster. These people got me back on track and are still helping me keep things going in the right direction. Many have probably written me off....
I wouldn't blame them...lol, I'm a dork mosta the time....and I don't think none of the time..

Just didn't want you to feel silly asking a good question, that's all. (I had NO clue how or if or what to feed my star...until these folks told me.........NO CLUE.) My fish owe their lives to sw.com members!!!!!!!!!!!!


Loopy, I agree with you on the question asking. I usually make sure to read your questions and some of them may sound a little bit silly or dumb as you put it, but alot of the questions you ask are ones that myself and others don't know or aren't sure about. Plus you always put some fun in the questions and I appreciate that. Keep up the good work. I hope you don't get to good at this and stop asking questions and telling the stories.


Well, I tell ya, I got da norske blood runnin troo my veins, so stupid and silly...way of da life, ya. So stop askin, na, not me...neva rememba a ting.....nope, uh uh. Story's, well, I'm a writer...it's da way I do tings.....bores da husband to death...lol
Thanks Knots!!!!!!!!!!


Do you bore him to death or just TRY to drive him crazy? :thinking: Just curious, what kind of writing do you do? Books, short stories, screenwriting? I bet their comedies.


I TRY to drive him crazy!!! lol. I write for anthology books, magazines and have a couple columns. I freelance now, used to do newspaper.....BORING. I am also working on a book, but I doubt I'll ever finish...lol. Thanks for asking.