A pic of my baby tank.


<a href="http://photos.yahoo.com/bc/plato19788791/vwp?.dir=/Fish+pics&.src=ph&.dnm=Right+Corner.gif&.view=t&.done=http%3a//photos.yahoo.com/bc/plato19788791/lst%3f%26.dir=/Fish%2bpics%" target="_blank">http://photos.yahoo.com/bc/plato19788791/vwp?.dir=/Fish+pics&.src=ph&.dnm=Right+Corner.gif&.view=t&.done=http%3a//photos.yahoo.com/bc/plato19788791/lst%3f%26.dir=/Fish%2bpics%</a> 26.src=ph%26.view=t
Here is a shot of the right corner of my 75. The clarity of the shot kind of sucks but oh well. It has my favorite piece in it so far wich is the candy cane and the other encrusting coral in the same piece of rock. It was sold as a fire coral but the tenticlas that it produces look like little apitsias instead of like hair which is what I thought the fire corals had. An employe of the company I ordered it from talked the owner into selling me that out of their show tank. Lucky break for me. :D
I am waiting to buy another 40 lbs or so of rock to finish up the aquascaping until I buy more corals so it will be a while until I have something impressive to look at.


I have had the BF for 3 or so weeks. It is feeding on live clam, brine shrimp, blood worms, and tubflex worms. I am working on getting it to eat a couple of other varietys of frozen foods in which it has shown some intrest in (mysis shrimp and plankton).


New Member
I am new to Saltwater Business, and have a 5 gallon minireef,
Seems like my local pet shop everything is expensive.
I could like to know how much have you spent on the fish, coral and rocks on your 75?


MO168: Unfortunatly I am the wrong person to ask. The rock and clown fish was given to me by a friend who shut down their tank. The coral with the two species was 75 bucks though and the butterfly was 15-20 buck. I forgot the exact price. I have plans for 5-7 more species over there which will be another 150 give or take and this is only 1/3 of the whole. If you have price concerns than spend some quality time on the net and you will find out what you should pay.
Sammy: I realize that the butterfly is not 100% safe. There are several people over at -- that have them in their tanks so I felt prety secure. I also don't plan on keeping any clams which would be eaten or zooanthids which I believe are also on the snack list. I look at it kinda like pigmy angle fish. To me it is worth the risk to have the fish cause there are a lot of corals in the ocean to choose from. :D