15 gallons on my new apartment floor!!! Ok so now that I ahve a few of you reading thins is what happened. So got bought my 75G from somebody and had to add a new sump. I had somebody from my LFS help me move it. On the return pump he put the tube into the female PVC. I knew that he didn't glue it so I could take it off for cleaning. So the water must have been slowly working against it until it came off in the middle on the night. I have a 30 g refegium setup and the wall that lets the water overflow also faled allowing most of the water to be pumped out like old faithful.
I wake up to the worse airpumping sound you can ever hear. I had to move my whole 75g again alone within two weeks.
In all I only lost one flameangel. A sorry lose but if that was all then things are ok. I think he got electrocuted since I lost my Wave Maker Pro as well. So there are a few problems that I need advice on but I ewill stop into my LFS fist to check my water again and see what they say. Plus I'll send pics. Don't worry, I did fix the plumbing. Leason learned.
I wake up to the worse airpumping sound you can ever hear. I had to move my whole 75g again alone within two weeks.